Operation Maid Watch

65 2 2

Yu's POV:

"I think I'm gonna head straight home," I say after the final bell rings.

"Oh, really?" Yosuke frowns.

"Sorry... Gonna get a shower. Then... You wanna do something?" I smirk.

"Of course I do," he chuckles.

"How are you holding up? You know... Uh, after yesterday..."

"I... had a weird dream last night," he admits.


"It's... kinda strange. It was about Giichi... How much older he was... Y'know. It kinda freaked me out."

"Oh, Yosuke," I sigh, pulling him into me. I sway us gently side to side to try and soothe him as he muffles words into my shoulder.

"...Call me when you get out, okay?"

"Why don't you just come hang in my room until I'm done?"

"F-for real?"

"No," I laugh. "Go help Teddie out at Junes. I'll let you know as soon as I'm dry."

"Yeah," he blushes. "Okay... See you-"

He lifts his hand up to wave goodbye but I clasp it in my own.

"D-dude," he says lowly. "We're still in the classroom..."

"So?" I grin.

"Get off," he smiles.

"I just want a goodbye kiss," I laugh.

"Tough luck."

"Aww," I frown.

He leans forward to whisper in my ear. "You'll get plenty of those later."

"Oh, yeah?" I grin. "I can't wait."


I pull my shirt carefully over my head, feeling as it ruffles my hair.

I check in the bathroom mirror, tracing my fingers along the silk bandaging on my chest. It's a little bumpy, actually; it's kinda funny.

I find a loose end, and begin unravelling myself. Slowly but surely. I think I catch it on a scab, because I suddenly feel a new pain, and feel the blood oozing.

"Shit," I mumble, making my way around the injury.

I sit down against the bathtub, and begin undressing my arms. It's quite a hassle when I only have one hand to use.

I breathe out in relief at the concerning amount of energy that took.

I reach down slowly and pull off my pants before my underwear.

I rub my hand against my shin, feeling the pain easing. Not that it was bad, anyways. Yosuke just likes to exaggerate sometimes.

As soon as I'm fully undressed, I run the shower, grabbing my phone for a moment beforehand.


Partner<3: I'll come 2
urs when ur done

Partner<3: At like 6

Yu: What for?

Partner<3: Change of plans!

Partner<3: I'm gonna treat u;)

Yu: You shouldn't.

Yu: Seriously, I just want to
do something for you.

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