Partners in Crime

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Yu's POV:

I try my hardest to forget everything that happened in the bathroom. About Shin still being in some shady shit. I only do it because I don't want to make a scene in front of everyone. Also... I'm not sure I want to know the truth.

For some reason, Shin's really into party games. I suppose it's cute. If he didn't always want to do 'adult stuff'. By that, I mean 'spicy' stuff. Sometimes, I think he forgets the rest of us are seventeen. Or sixteen, if you're Rise, Kanji or Naoto.

I think he's just trying to show off his adulthood. So I go along with him.

"Kanji," I declare. "Truth or dare?"

"U-uh," his cheeks flush with the sudden choice. "T-truth!"

"Laaame," Teddie whistles.

"Have you ever been skinny dipping?"

"Wh-what?!" If his cheeks weren't red enough before, they sure are now. "Wh-what kind of question is that?!!"

"That was Shin's damn question," Yosuke calls out.

"You guys were askin' mediocre shit! Shin complains. "I'm making the party fun."

"Well, Kanji-kun?" Miura asks.

Is it just me, or is this kid waaay too interested in this sort of thing?


"No way!!" Rise gasps.

"I-it was too hot!!" He says in defence. "N-no one else was around, dammit!!"

"Damn," Yosuke whistles.

"What, wish you had been there?" Shin sneers.

"Fuck off," he scowls.

"Enough, both of you," Naoto scolds.

"A-anyway, this one's for me!!" He says, awfully loudly. "Yosuke-senpai!" He calls. Yosuke vaguely looks in his direction.

"Dare," he replies, without even being asked the question.

Kanji smirks. "I dare you to kiss the person on your left."

"Ooh, now this is getting good," Shin smiles.

"B-but the person on my left is..." He looks to me. I freeze.

"Woah, hold up! I thought left was the other way!" Shin yells. "No way. I object to this."

"That's not your call," Naoto shrugs.

What do you know? Kanji and Naoto: partners in crime. They did this on purpose. I know they did.

God, I could kill them right now.

"Besides, you wanted spicy," Kanji shurgs.

"Uh... Yu?" Yosuke says, timidly, his eyes not knowing where to rest. He gulps hard, waiting for me to respond.

"It's just a dare," I sigh. "It doesn't... It doesn't mean anything."

"R-right." There's a hint of sadness and disappointment in his word. And that hurts me. "I-I'm gonna kiss you, now..." He explains.

"That was the dare." I don't mean to sound like an asshole. But... I can't keep doing this. Loving him. This whole situation is making it so much harder than it should be.

"Umm.." He looks backwards, toward Miura. I can't tell if he's mouthing something to him, or if he's making a certain expression or anything along those lines, but it makes me angry.

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