Mistake Made

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Yosuke's POV:

My alarm sounds, and I notice that Giichi is no longer laying in my bed.

As I move closer to it, I see a note with scribbley handwriting -- obviously rushed.

sorry i had 2 leve so earli! hav shit 2 do 2day n i didnt wana wak u up. cal me 2nite

Honestly? I'm glad he's gone. I'm glad I didn't have to face him when I woke up.

Am I going to tell him? Should I tell him I wanna call off our deal? That there's no way Yu would get jealous anymore?

Damn... I'll call him tonight. I have to get ready for school, first.


Yu's POV:

Shin's lips brushing against mine are what wakes me up.

"Go away," I groan, scrunching my face up.

"We have to wake up," he mutters back.

"Just go back to sleep."

"We have school."

"Ughhh," I sigh, opening my eyes. His tired ones stare back at me with a playful smile.

"Mom and Dad will have made us some breakfast," he says.

"I didn't mean to sleep the night."

"I'm glad you did."

I smile. "We have to actually get up, first."

"You do it first."

"No, you."

"I can't move until you can."

"Yes, you can."

"No, literally. You're laying on my arm."

I look down and find his arm beneath me. Did he do that just now?

"Fine," I pout, getting out of his bed.

He leaps up after me, hugging me from behind.

"Ew, dude, morning breath," I grunt.

"No morning kiss, then?" He frowns.

"Not until you brush your teeth."


"Breakfast, first," I say.

"Put a shirt on, first," he smirks.


Yosuke's POV:

Mom and Dad are already up, as per usual. Suprisingly, Teddie is out of his costume, and is helping them with breakfast.

"What's the occasion?" I yawn, leaning in the doorway.

"Teddie wanted to show you how much he appreciates you," Mom chuckles, patting him on the head.

"That sounds awfully suspicious," I note.

Teddie sighs. "Can't I do something nice for you... brother?"

"Don't call me that again," I warn.

"Waah! He's being mean!!"

"Yosuke," Dad says sternly.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," I scoff. "He's like the five-year-old you've always wanted."

"That's the point, honey," Mom smiles. "Besides, with you and Shin growing up so fast, it's nice to have a kid in the house."

"I hope you're seriously not thinking of replacing me."

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