The Realization

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Yosuke's POV:

He just walks away. Without a second glance. And I feel dread burn inside of me. Who the fuck is that guy? What does he want with me? Does he really know about how I feel? Or is he just using empty threats?

I squeeze my eyes shut, preventing the tears from falling.

"Hey." A faint hand rests upon my shoulder. To begin with, I think it's Yu. No, I hope it's Yu. Someone I can hold close to me. Someone I can cry into.

But, when I open my eyes, I see a new face.

"Sorry about my friend over there," he says anxiously. "I- I don't know what he said, but it really seemed to shake you up. You okay?"

"Yeah. It's cool. I'm cool," I nod.

"Sorry. I'm Giichi Miura." He holds out a hand for me to take.

I do so, introducing myself, as well.

"He can be a bit of an ass sometimes," he frowns. "How about we go somewhere? To make it up to you."

"Oh, that's not necessary," I shake my head. "It was him, not you. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Who said this wasn't just an excuse to ask you out?"

My stomach flutters. "What?"

"Shit, that came out wrong," he laughs, nervously. "I mean, if you like girls, that's cool.."

"No... I, uh... Well... Uh... guys... guys are good."

"Hm." He smiles. "Wanna head out, then?"

"Hey, Yosuke!" Yu calls, as he makes his way toward us. "I almost lost you in that crowd just now," he chuckles. But his smile suddenly fades. "Who's this?"

"I'm Giichi Miura," he says again.

"Yu Narukami."

"I know who you are," the boy smiles. "You were great today."

"Oh, thanks," Yu grins. "I just wanted to know if you were doing anything this afternoon?" He turns his attention to me.

"Uh.." I look over to Giichi-kun.

"Uh, I just gotta talk to Shin before that. Then I'm all yours, okay?"

Shin. Of course. He always has to talk to Shin.

"Actually, I'm kinda busy this afternoon," I say.

"You are?" He says, a little hurt.

"Uh, yeah. Me and Giitchi-san are going out together."

"Oh," he says, his eyes widening. "Oh, I'm... I'm sorry to get in your way..."

"Hey, don't worry about it, man," Giichi smiles. "You can tag along, if you wanna."

"No... I think it'd be best if I didn't..." He doesn't even look my way. "See you, guys."

And he's gone again.

"Wanna go?" Giichi asks.


Yu's POV:

What the hell is he doing with that guy, anyway? It's not like he knows him. He was against me today. Is he serious? He's probably some freak anyway. Some asshole. Yosuke won't enjoy his company.

"Hello?? Earth to Narukami??" Shin waves a hand in front of my face.

"Damn, sorry," I flinch, holding my head.

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