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Yosuke's POV:

"I was starting to think I was waiting at the wrong station," Giichi chuckles, putting his phone away to see me. "Oh. Narukami. What a surprise."

"Good to see you, too," he scoffs.

"Dude, what are you even doing here?" I frown.

"I told you I wanted to see you. I've really missed you, you know."

"Leave him alone," Yu snaps. "Isn't it obvious he never liked you?"

"Geez, Narukami," he laughs. "Your jealousy never fails to make me smile."

"Why would I be jealous of a dickbag like you?"

"You're threatened by me," he grins. "Though, I suppose that's only natural."

"Threatened?" He scoffs. "By you? Only in a fantasy world, Miura."

"Y'know, if I weren't scared right now, I'd be honoured that two guys are fighting over me," I smirk.

"See, Narukami?" Giichi crosses his arms. "You're the big bad wolf."

"Pretty sure he was referring to you," Yu bites back.

"Giichi, I don't want to see you," I say. "Ever again."

"Don't say that, Yosuke. You know who Narukami really is."

"Yes," I nod. "I do. And I love him for it."

"He's just deceiving you."

"Just like how you did?" Yu says. "You think everyone will just fall right into your hands. It's not true, Miura. Get your head out of your ass."

"At least I'm loyal to him," he shrugs. "I have never lead him on."

"Neither did I," Yu snaps. "He is the most important thing in this world to me. And I won't let you take him away."

"Sheesh," he yawns. "You should have been in the drama club's production. You almost brought a tear to my eye."

"Stop trying to be a smartass, Giichi," I scold. "Come on."

"Wait... Where are you going?" Yu asks, confused.

"I'm walking home with him."

"...What?" He frowns.

"I'll get it through his head," I whisper.

"Okay," he sighs. "But... no more seeing him after this, right? Last time?" He holds out his pinky in front of us.

"Last time," I promise, taking it. "Come on, Giichi." I turn back to face him.

"Sorry to say you're second choice, Narukami," he grins.

"Don't get cocky," I warn, walking ahead of him.


Yu's POV:

And now they're gone. Man, I should have went with them. I know what Miura's game is. I just hope Yosuke sees through his lies, too.

But he does, right? At least, sometimes he does. Other times, he truly believes what he says. I guess that can't be helped, right? He's clearly had a lot of years on manipulating people.

I know Yosuke is smart, but when you're scared, it's easy for you to believe anything.

Scared of who, though? Me, or Miura? God, I hope it's not me. It can't be me; he knows how much I love him.

...That doesn't mean I can't scare him though, does it? I need to change. Back to my real self.

Geez, where's my Shadow when I need it? I need it to guide me - to tell me who I'm supposed to be; what I'm supposed to do.

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