Paired Project

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Yosuke's POV:


Yumi: Hey.

Yumi: Come to the drama
room at lunch.

Yumi: The show's in a few
days, remember?

Yumi: Don't be late.

I hide my phone beneath my desk as I read her texts.

She's really looking forward to the play. I, on the other hand, am not.

The only reason I joined the stupid drama club was to distract myself from Yu leaving last year.

Now I'm stuck in a freaking play.

Way to go, Yosuke.

I check my messages with him, too; hoping to see something new -- something that my cell didn't notify me about

But, no. No new messages from him.

Hell, I couldn't blame him. He's so intensely listening to the lecture. Only someone like him could understand what's actually happening.

"Alright, this next assignment will be in pairs," our homeroom teacher explains.

"Ooh, can I be with Yukiko?" Chie yells out.

"No, that won't be it," he shakes his head. "I will be choosing the groups."

A series of moans and groans come from the class, but he just ignores them.

"Ahem," he clears his throat, finally getting everyone's full attention. "The pairs will be as followed: Daiki and Aoi. Hiro and Shin. Hinata and Emi. Chie and Aneko. Yukiko and Taro. And Yu and Yosuke."

For fuck's sake.

"Guess I'll be with you." Yu turns around, smiling at me, like he knew this was gonna happen. "Partner."

I can feel my inner self grinning, but I don't let it show.

"Ugh, I have to be with some random kid," Shin complains, speaking to Yu.

"He's not that bad," Yu chuckles.

"Still. I'd rather be with you."

Yu shakes his head playfully, smiling.

"If he gets on your nerves, tell me, and I'll sort him out," Shin says. He's talking about me like I'm not even here. And like I'm some kind of wild animal or something.

"I can handle him," Yu smiles.

The lunch bell rings, and everyone runs out of the classroom.

"Wanna come have lunch with me?" Yu asks. Like he's getting somewhere with me.

"No," I sigh.

"Oh... sorry," he grunts.

He turns away, but I grab his arm before he's out of reach.

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