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Yu's POV:

When I jump down the hole, it isn't at all how I expected. It isn't dark, or gloomy, or depressing. It's actually quite the opposite.

The walls are plastered with a deep red, and the flooring is like carpet beneath my feet, feeling so smooth beneath my thin shoes. The walls further down the path seem to have some sort of paintings on them, but, so far, I can't see what they are.

I turn to look up at where I came from. It wasn't a far drop, but I can't see any of the others - hell, I can't even see the entrance of the hole.

But that's not important right now. All that's important is finding Yosuke, and getting him to safety.


Yosuke's POV:

My eyes are being held shut by some invisible force. No matter how hard I try, I can't see where I am. I don't know how I got here, either. All I remember is fighting some stray Shadows, trying to get stronger, then--

Oh, shit.

Seductive music begins to play, and in a singular moment, that's all my mind can focus on. And the 'who' it's associated with.

'Cause I know.

I can hear muffled and distorted sounds, but still aren't sure who's sounds they are.

I want to scream, call for help, but my mouth is sealed shut, too.

Am I still inside the TV world? Am I in the real world? Am I... elsewhere? God, I don't know. All I want to do right now is see for myself, and I can't even do that.

I give in. I allow my thoughts to run astray as I drift into a slumber.


Yu's POV:

As I progress through the hallway, my katana in my hand, I suddenly hear this music... It's an interesting kind, though I can't exactly put my finger on where it's from...

Oh, well.

"Senpai, can you hear me?!" Rise calls into my head.

"I can hear you," I confirm.

"You gotta get out of there."

"Why?" I ask.

"There's a strong Shadow near you. Both Teddie and I can feel it."

"I'll be fine," I say.

"No, Sensei," I hear Teddie chime in, "it's too strong for any of us. You have to come back."

"Guys, relax," I sigh. "I've defeated all kinds of Shadows before, I'll be okay."

"Senpai, you're not listening!" Rise yells. "This isn't... an ordinary Shadow. It's somebody's Shadow."

"You can't be right," I argue. "No one has been in this world, or on the Midnight Channel, for that matter. Besides, Namatame has realized his mistake already."

"Maybe somebody came here by their own free will," Naoto suggests.

"But, the only person who could do that, would be--"

"...Yosuke," Chie finishes for me.

"No," I say, quietly, my voice rising. "No! It can't be his Shadow. He's already faced his other self!"

"Senpai, please calm down," Naoto says. "Whether we're right or wrong does not matter. All that matters is that we save this person. Together."

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