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Yu's POV:

I creep up the stairs as quietly as I can. The last thing I want is to startle him.

I firstly check my bedroom. Who knows why. I mean, why would he be in my bedroom after today? But, surprisingly, as I enter the room, there he is.

He sits on the couch, cradling his knees. He's shaking, and crying just as much. He doesn't seem to have noticed me.

Slowly, I sit down beside him, and reach out to touch his arm. He flinches, until he realizes it's me.

"Shit," he sighs. "S-sorry." He rubs his eyes quickly before standing up. He almost loses his balance, so I stand beside him, ready to catch him.

"Careful," I frown, setting him back down on the couch.

I notice his hand. It has smudged ink over, but it's clear that it was of numbers. I feel a sudden hit of nostalgia. That's how I got Shin's number. But, whose number is this?

"I'm so sorry," he apologizes, biting his lip.

"For what?"

"I'm in your bedroom."

"So?" I scoff. "You're always welcome."

"Heh... thanks, Yu..." He breathes. "I'll go, though..."

"Don't," I shake my head.

"I didn't mean to cause a scene." He fiddles with his thumbs.

"It's over now," I shrug, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Why did you come after me?" He asks, after a few moments' silence.

"I knew you needed me."

"I don't need you."

"So, who else have you told?" I say, not believing him.



"You didn't... tell Shin... did you?" He looks at me, mouth slightly agape.

I shake my head. "I promised you I wouldn't."

He smiles. Slightly. "Thank you."

"...Are you gonna tell me what caused it?" I ask, softly. I look at him, and look to his thumbs, before looking to him again.

He shrugs, sitting back, leaning more comfortably on the couch. "I- I dunno. It just felt like everyone's eyes were on me."

I turn my body slightly so I can still see him. "Well, they were." I don't mean to make matters worse, but I need him to understand.

"I'm so sorry," he repeats. "I should have said no when Kanji told me to kiss you." He covers his eyes with his palms, scrunching his nose up with embarrassment.

"It was only a game," I remind him.

"I- I know..."

"But... you... y'know..." I say, not really wanting to continue.

"Made a complete fool out of myself?" He asks, taking his hands away, and looking at me.

"Well," I chuckle lightly, so he knows it's okay.

"Sorry," he sighs. "I didn't mean-- well, I sorta did...--"

"Yosuke," I smile. "It's okay."

(Yosuke's POV)

And for a moment. For a split moment, I think he's going to kiss me. He stares so deeply into my eyes that I can almost feel myself leaning in. But he looks away before I can do anything.

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