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Yu's POV:

I swiftly make my way to the storage room and lock the door behind me, breathing heavily.

I crawl into the corner, and hug my knees.

And I cry.

God, I'm so pathetic.

But, I do.

I cry, and cry until it's all out.

But it's never really over, is it?

I can bearly breathe. I can't see, and I'm choking on my own tears.

I try to quieten down, in case anyone is nearby.

But nobody knows.

And I hope that's how it will stay.


Yosuke's POV:

"Yosuke-kun," Yumi catches up to me in the corridor. "Are you going to practice today?"

"Not now, Yumi," I sigh, walking on ahead.

"But why?!" She scoffs, walking alongside me. "The show is in a couple of days, and we are so not prepared."

"We're fine."

"Not after what happened last time," she scoffs. "You totally messed up."

"I don't care about that right now, okay?"

"Where are you going, anyway?"

"I need to find someone."

"You're saying this is more important than the play?"

"Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying."

"If you don't come to practice," she says. "We'll have to replace you."

I pause for a moment.

I do enjoy the drama club, as stupid as it sounds. But, right now, Yu needs me more than anything.

"Find someone good," I tell her, walking away hastily.



Yosuke: Are u okay?

Yosuke: Where are you?

Yosuke: Please answer me

Yosuke: Yu

Yosuke: We're all worried
about u

Yosuke: Please just tell me
where you are

Yosuke: I need to see you

Yosuke: Yu?

He isn't replying.

God, I'm hoping he hasn't done something stupid.

"Hey," Chie says with a harsh voice, peering over my shoulder.

"Gah," I jump. "What do you want?"

"Where is he?"

"I don't know!" I snap. "If I did, don't you think I'd be with him?!"

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