Catch You If You Fall

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Yosuke's POV:

Yu and I arrive at the ice rink to meet everyone already there.

"You're late." Rise glares at us.

"Sorry," Yu apologizes. "We had to sort something out."

"Is everything alright?" Yukiko asks.

Yu looks over to me. We both know it's not, but he nods regardless.

"Miura-senpai's just inside," Kanji informs us. "Said he's gettin' drinks, or somethin'."

"Oh, but I've got you your Mad Bull, Yosuke," Yukiko hands the drink to me. I smile as I take it. "It was the last one."

"Aww, thanks, Yukiko," I chuckle. "It means a lot."

"Why'd you need something special, Senpai?" Rise wonders.

"I dunno," I shrug, rubbing the body of the can with my fingers. "Just feels like old times."

"What, you mean like when we were fighting Shadows?" Chie says.

I nod. "Yeah. It was nice how we were back then."

I see Yu's face fall out of the corner of my eye. He knows what I meant.

But, shit... I didn't mean to upset him. Not again.

"Well, we should head in," Naoto clears her throat, breaking the silence.

"Right..." Yu sighs.

"Hey... I wanna talk to you," I say. He turns back to face me, his eyebrows raised. "U-um... it'll only take a second..."


"You two better hurry," Chie warns.

"Yeah, yeah, we will," I groan.

"It'd be better if you see Miura-kun beforehand..." Yukiko says quietly.

"Giichi isn't what's important right now, okay?" I frown. "Tell him that I'll be there soon, yeah? I have to talk to Yu."

"Very well," Naoto nods. "Though I cannot predict he will take the news lightly."

"What a fucking shame," Yu rolls his eyes.

"H-hey, Senpai..." Rise stammers.

"Let's just go, you guys," Kanji says. I know he wants to leave us alone, and, for once, I'm glad.

Reluctantly, the rest of the Investigation Team head inside the building, leaving the original duo behind.

"Will you come with me?" I ask.

"Where to?"

"To... To tell Giichi that I..." I rub the back of my neck.

"To break up with him?"


"Why can't you do it yourself?" He shrugs.

"I guess I could..." I say slowly. "I'm, uh, sorry for bothering you."

He sighs. "Yosuke, you're not bothering me. But I know it'd mean way more to him hearing it from you, and you alone."

"Heh, since when did you start giving a damn about how he feels?" I tease.

"I don't," he pouts. "But if he really cares about you, it'll be hard for him."

Really cares about me... Ha, this'll be easier than I thought. Why was I worrying so much? He doesn't even like me, for god's sake! This is just as much a deal for him, as it is for me. I'm not going to break his heart, I'm simply calling off an agreement.

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