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Yosuke's POV:

"No... No, no!!" Rise cries, the moment we exit the tower. "I- I couldn't sense them!" She shakes her head out of frustration. "But..."

"Hey, it's okay," Naoto assures her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Dammit, Himiko!" She holds her head in her hands.

"It doesn't matter," Yu says, taking his fighting position. "Let's just get rid of these Shadows, okay?"

"R-right." Rise tries to clear her head, ready to help out.

"Persona!" Shin calls, summoning Fujin, and casting Garudyne on the enemy. "Shit," he mutters, watching as the enemy absorbs it.

"That means I'm out, too," I murmur.

"Here!" Yu yells, charging at the Shadow with his blade, only for it to be countered. "Dammit..."

"Be careful!" Rise scolds.

"Persona!" Yukiko yells, healing Yu momentarily.

"Persona!" Teddie says, attempting an ice attack on the enemy. Blocked.

"Give me time to analyze it!" Rise snaps.

"Sukuna-Hikona!" Naoto clasps her card, performing Mudoon. "Blocked!" She curses.

"Lemme try," Kanji offers. Damage resistant against electricity. What a suprise.

"How are we supposed to fight it?" Teddie panics.

"No..." Shin murmurs.

"What's wrong?!" Chie asks.

He clutches his head, twitching slightly.

"...Raphael," he says, finally. And we watch another thing come out of him.

"Another Persona?!" Kanji scoffs.

"Show off," Teddie huffs.

"He's similar to you, Yu..." Yukiko watches him in awe.

He casts Debilitate on the enemy, lowering its attack, accuracy, evasion, and defense. After that, he nullifies the Shadow's ice resistance, and turns to Chie.

Chie puts the icing on the cake as she freezes the enemy with Bufula. "Hell yeah!" She grins.

"Shin..." Yu says, calmly.

"I... didn't know I could..." He begins, stating at his hands.

Yu throws himself on him before he can finish. The two rock side to side together as my chest burns with jealously.

"Wh- what's this for?" Shin chuckles lightly.

"It's you," he whispers into his shoulder.


"You're the other Wild Card."

"I... am?" He pulls a funny face.

"I'm so glad it was you." Yu hugs him tighter.

The tighter the hug, the tighter my chest.

"He's... a Wild Card, too?" Naoto asks, trying to get her head around it. I'm still in shock myself.

"I... must be," he grins, as Yu pulls back from him. His face lights up at all the attention.

"Damn... You two really are a force to be reckoned with," Rise chuckles.

"No, they're not," I scoff.

"Hm?" Shin turns to me.

"I- I mean... Me and Yu are the force to be reckoned with, here. One Wild Card, one normal guy."

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