Making Things Right

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Yu's POV:

As I close the door behind me, I coincidentally meet Shin in the hallway.

He carries a box of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers, heading toward me.

"I was, uh, just coming to see you," I say, biting my lip.

"Here," he says, handing me the box and the bouquet with a smile. "To make you feel better."

"I... don't get it...?" I mutter.

"Well, 'cause... y'know!" He grimaces. "It... helps with the pain?"

"Shin, I feel sick. I hardly think devouring a box of chocolates is going to help."

"A-at least take the flowers, then..!" He urges, his eyebrows creasing.

"We're headed on a five hour long train ride back to Inaba... I'm not carrying a plant pot that far."

He shifts his weight from one foot to the next. "Sorry," he murmurs. "It's just that... Well, when Hana wasn't feeling well..."

"It's fine," I sigh. "Seriously, Shin. Don't worry about it."

"Geez, I'm really bad at this, huh...?"

"We need to talk," I remind him.

"Yeah," he nods with a smile. "My roommates are out, so we can have the room to ourselves. I bought this DVD from a rental store. People say it's really good. We've also got blankets, and lots of pillows – if you don't want to lie on me, that is. And-"

"Shin," I stop him, my eyebrows creasing. "Maybe that's not such a good idea."

"What?" He frowns. "...Why not? You said it wasn't anything serious, didn't you?"

"Y-yeah," I lie. "But I... Well, I don't wanna be sick all over you, right?"

"So what can I do to help?"

"Let's just... go talk, okay?"


Yosuke's POV:

It hasn't even been ten minutes since Yu left. And, as sad as it sounds, I miss him.

I dunno, I guess I just enjoy his company. And his smile. And his voice. And everything else about him.

I just really hope he doesn't chicken out again. I really want to be there for him, but I can't when Shin is in the way.

Either way, this time tomorrow, Shin'll be locked up for good. I just hope Yu breaking things off with him now won't make things worse.

I mean, he can't really expect Yu to hang on until he gets out, right? Not that he knows he's going to jail yet...

Honestly, I feel like crap doing this behind his back. He does care about me, I know that. He does... sometimes try to help. But even then he turns it into some kind of big deal.

I have to look at the bigger picture, here. Having him gone means no more fear. No more worrying about Hayate, and getting him justice. No more fighting over Yu. Just back to normal.

At least, that's what I hope. I thought I'd never see him again when he left with Hana, after all. Part of me wanted that to be true. But then he suddenly came back, uninvited  – trying to make things right.

He's not welcome here. He never was, and he never will be. He's a delinquent, and a murderer. He's a manipulative bastard who wouldn't stop lying to Yu.

And... even after saying all this shit about him... I miss my big brother.

My head jolts up as the sound of rapping on the door rings through my ears. It's not just once or twice, though, it's repeated. Like someone's dying out there; desperate to get in.

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