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Yu's POV:

I don't understand why he feels this way. Nobody will replace him. Not even Shin. Hasn't he figured that out by now?

He's the one I want. The best friend I could ever ask for...

And, yet, we hate each other's lovers. Yosuke has his reasons for hating Shin, whether I know them or not. But what's my reason for hating Miura so much? I don't have one.

But I know for sure something is amiss here. There's no way Yosuke would fall for someone like him. I know him; and that kind of guy is not who he likes.

But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I've been spending so much time with Shin, that I have been completely oblivious to all his changes. Maybe he really does care about Miura. Maybe he makes him happy.

So why does that tie a knot in my stomach? He has the right to be happy, doesn't he? He has every right that I have. I want him to be happy. With, or without me.

But with that guy? I don't think he's really happy. Maybe Miura fell for him. Maybe he's the one who started this whole thing, and Yosuke didn't want to hurt his feelings.

Still, why'd he fall for Yosuke?

Is it the way his brunette locks rustle in the wind? The way his big brown eyes light up when he's excited? How easily he gets flustered? How loyal he is? His warm hands? His addictive lips? His precious smile?

Maybe that's why I fell for him. Because he's so perfect... in his own dorky way.

But all that's over now. My feelings for him are only platonic. Nothing more.

Still, I have the right to be jealous, don't I? This guy is stealing my best friend. Not to mention he's a total two-faced jerk.

I won't let him manipulate Yosuke. I can't.

Why can't he see he's dating a tool? Why did they have to meet? Why did Miura have to flash his smug grin at him?

I keep telling myself that he won't forget about me. But even I struggle to believe that, now.

Not to mention the fact that Rise is totally sold on them being in love. Geez, is she blind? There's nothing romantic between them.

I'm scared that Miura will turn him against me. Something tells me he won't stop until he gets what he wants. But, what the hell does he want?

There has to be more to this than just... romantic tension, surely....

"Hey." Yosuke snaps me out of my trance with the sound of his voice.

"Yeah?" I turn my head. There's a large gap of grass between the two of us. He was the one to sit away from me.

"Were you with Shin... when you were with me?"

"What?" I frown.

"Was... everything with you and me... happening at the same time?"


"...I don't know what I'm... saying... Uh..."

"Why the hell would I lead you on? And why would I cheat on him?"

"I don't know. It was a stupid question; I'm sorry."

"I stopped things between us because I was with him."

"Yeah. That makes sense."

"But we're not here to talk about him," I shake my head. "Or Miura."


"...How are you?"


"The basic of the basics," I chuckle slightly. "Back to square one."

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