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Yu's POV:

There's no one home. It's midday already. I guess I slept in.

I grab my cell, checking my messages.

The Gang 🃏 📺

Rise: hope ur
ok senpai xoxo

Chie: Let's save our
favorite dumbass.

Chie: Once and for all!

Kanji: I ain't taking no
for an answer.

Yukiko: Make sure to
prep us up, alright, Leader?

Shin: awww i bet he's still

Shin: hahah

Teddie: Ugh I'm so jellus!!

Teddie: I wana bee with Sensei!

Shin: mom n dad aint gonna
let u skip coz of that lame excuse

Teddie: But sensei needs me!!

Naoto: You all should
hurry up.

Naoto: School is about to

Rise: oh crap!!

Rise: ur so rite!!

Rise: byeee!!!

Kanji: I aint in a hurry

Yukiko: Tell your
homeroom teacher that.

Teddie: Oooh!!

Teddie: Take that kanji!!!

Kanji: Geez Senpai...

Kanji: You're pretty hash
at times you know that?

Chie: She's keeping you in check!

Naoto: Small talk aside, we
really need to focus today.

Shin: agreed

Naoto: No messing around.
Got it?

Teddie: Totally!!!

Naoto: Let's just give it
our all, okay?

Naoto: For Yosuke.

Chie: Hell yeah!!

Yukiko: Oh, crap!!

Yukiko: The first bell
has just sounded.

Yukiko: Talk to you
guys soon!!

God... What a group of misfits. I love them all.

And I know they all love Yosuke. They won't give in. And neither will I. Yosuke will come home. Even if it costs my life.

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