He's My Best Friend

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Yosuke's POV:

It's math class when there's a knock on the door. Our math teacher, Mr. Ebina, is hella strict, so when he hears the knock, he stops the entire class, and opens up the door himself.

"Ah. Narukami-kun and Hanamura-san. How nice of you to join us," he glares at the two.

"Sorry, sir," Shin apologizes. "Yu here was feeling a little ill, and so I had him visit the nurse's office."

Ebina must think the story checks out, because he lets them both sit down without further interrogation.

Admittedly, Yu does look quite pale. Maybe it's because he's sick. Or maybe it's because he's tired. Hell, maybe he's even scared. Shit, I'd be, too, if I knew some gang was after me. I can't imagine what he's feeling right now... His head must be all over the place.

While Mr. Ebina is looking away, I pull out my phone beneath the desk.


Yosuke: Yu?

Yosuke: Are you feeling okay?

Yosuke: U look pretty shaken up

Yosuke: You wanna tlk abt it?

Yosuke: I'm here for you, you

I see him pull out his phone, too. He must have felt the vibration. I see my partner crack a little smile. Maybe it's because he's had a pretty shitty day already, and it's only first period. I don't care; I'm just glad I could be the one to make him smile.

Partner<3: I don't know how I
feel, honestly.

Partner<3: I'm sorry if I'm a

Yosuke: Bro what the fuck??

Yosuke: You're not a burden??

Yosuke: Who the hell said that!!??!

Yosuke: Was it Shin??

Partner<3: No.

Partner<3: Sorry.

Partner<3: Forget it.

Yosuke: Hey we're goin inside
the tv tnite, rite?

Yosuke: U can tell me then

Partner<3: Wouldn't it be safer
if Teddie or Rise came along?

Partner<3: We sort of need their

Yosuke: Please, prtner

Yosuke: Trust me, kay?

Partner<3: Ha, alright, then.

Partner<3: I'll see you at lunch?

Yosuke: Of course!!

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