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Yu's POV:

"We're gonna have to hurry," he tells me. "The sun's about to set."

"We still have time."

"Serious. Come on."

He jogs a little ahead, before turning back. "Dude," he whines.

"Alright, I'm coming," I chuckle. "I never knew you were so bothered about your grades anyway."

"Of course I'm bothered about my grades," he scoffs. "They count for a lot, you know."

He turns back to face the sky, then to look at me.

"We're almost there," he says.

"I'll race you," I smile.

"H-hey, no!" He yells. But it's too late. I sprint past him, feeling light on my feet.

I can hear his footsteps tailing me. He's pretty close.

I make the sharp left turn to the river, and quickly descend the steps, eventually making it to the grassy bank.

"Hey!" Yosuke's voice calls from behind me, and he falls into me, knocking us both down.

He falls on top of me.

"Sh-shit, sorry..." He stammers, sitting up on my chest. "I- I'll move."

I grab his hand, and he looks down at me. I smile. He blushes.

"Wh- what're you--" He tries to say, but I won't let him.

I quickly push him to the side, rolling us over, so that our positions switch.

I still hold his hand, though my body aches in pain.

"G-God, Yu," he breathes.

"I think I win," I smirk.

"Oh, no, you don't," he objects, throwing himself atop of me.

I chuckle.

"You think you're so high and mighty, huh?" I scoff playfully.

"Since I'm on top of you, yes. Yes, I do."

He pulls his hand from mine. He looks to the side.

"What's wrong?" I ask, trying to turn his attention back to me.


He turns back to face me.

I look down to his lips. He licks them, like they've been dry. Or maybe he is just anxious.

Whilst he's distracted, I flip him over, and pin him to the ground, holding his hands above his head.

"Guess I won," I grin.

"H-hey, I wasn't ready!" He wiggles beneath my grip, but he doesn't get very far.

He breathes out, laughing a little. "Okay, then." He huffs. "I suppose you win. For now."

"You know I'm always gonna win when we play fight like this," I grin.

He shakes his head, smiling.

And he's back to looking at me.

He doesn't look away this time. Just at me. Like I'm the only thing in this world he's ever laid eyes upon.

It would be so easy to kiss him.

The real him. To touch him again. To show him how I feel.

He bites his chapped lips, his breath still heavy.

I can't... I've just got him back. I can't ruin things again.

But... If what his Shadow said is true... If he does have feelings for me...

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