Nothing Lasts Forever

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Yu's POV:

On my way to school, Naoto picks up her pace and walks alongside me.

"Good morning, Senpai," she greets me. "It's good to see you. How are you feeling?"

"I don't know," I shrug. "Fine, I suppose."

"We were all worried for you," she sighs.

"I appreciate it," I grunt.

"Are you... mad at us?"

I shake my head. "No."

"Oh. My apologies," she says, as she struggles to keep the conversation going. "Are you excited for the play?"

"I'm not really all that interested in plays," I admit.

"I'm sure it will be fun. Especially if Yosuke-senpai gets his role back."

"He doesn't want it."

"Perhaps he's changed his mind," she shrugs.

"Hm. Maybe."

"We still have some time before class.. Would you like to come to the library with me?"

"Uh... I don't--"

She unexpectedly cuts me off, dragging me to the second-floor library.


"Hey, Naoto what the--" I stop mid-sentence as I notice all our friends are gathered here.

"Oh, Senpai!" Rise smiles.

"Hey!" Chie calls.

"Yu." Shin pushes past the crowd, and takes my hands. "I am so sorry if you felt like you couldn't tell me something. I'm... I'm always here, you know? I'm always listening to you."


"No. You're right. I was an asshole. Yosuke, I'm sorry." He turns to face Yosuke, who steps out beside him.

"I've forgiven him, Yu," he smiles. "It's okay. You don't need to protect me."

I sigh. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me," Shin shakes his head. "You're making me into a better person. Thank you."

"Oh, and... Yu?" Yosuke looks at me. "I think I'm gonna try get my part back in the play."

"Seriously?" I smile.

"Yeah. It's time I stop being afraid."

"Wow... I'm proud of you."

He blushes slightly. "It's, ah... It's all because of you."

I reach out to him for a hug, and slip his dice in his hand during it, wrapping his fingers over it all the while. I can hear his light chuckle as he whispers: "Don't lose yours."

"You better not lose yours, either." I pull on his jacket a little, tightening our affection.

"We're glad you're okay," Yukiko tells me.

"Yeah. Shin-san was way outta line," Kanji says.

"Just drop it, Kanji," I sigh.


"Come on. Let's get to class."

"Wait," Shin looks at me, wearily. "I need to talk to you."

"Don't feel like you have to," Yosuke whispers.

"I'm not forcing him!" Shin yells desperately. "I... just wanna talk."

"Okay," I nod.

"Are you sure you're okay, Senpai?" Naoto asks, sensing the unease between me and Shin.

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