What is Real & What is Fake

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Yu's POV:

Within a few moments, Rise, Kanji and Naoto have all made it to the roof.

"Augh," Kanji groans, sitting beside me.

"What's the matter?" Chie asks.

"We got Kashiwagi this year for homeroom," he whines.

"Ooh, hard luck," she chuckles.

"Hey, it ain't funny!" Kanji screams. "I think she still remembers the incident at the Amagi Inn from last year."

"Huh? Really?" Yukiko says. "I'd even forgotten about it until now."

"Yeah, well, when nobody loves a hag like her, she tends to remember every ounce of attention ya give her!" He continues.

"What? Did she mention it?" Chie asks, trying to contain her laughter.

"She kept flirtin' with me every opportunity she got! Ain't there a law or something against that?!"

Both Yukiko and Rise burst out laughing.

"You're right," Naoto says. "Involving with a romantic, and or sexual, relationship with students is prohibited."

"Tell 'er that!" Kanji throws his hands up in the air.

"Gee, Kanji, you're so silly," Rise giggles.

"Shuddup," he snaps.

"Aw, c'mon now, Kanji-kun," Chie says. "Don't be rude."

"I ain't bein' rude."

"Oh, yeah. By the way, do you guys know where Yosuke-senpai is going?" Rise asks.

"He's going to see Yumi," I say.

"Oh," she replies. "I saw him before. He was being awfully nice to me."

"Oh, yeah?" Chie scoffs. "How nice?"

"There were these girls from my class talking bad about me, but Yosuke-kun told them off."

"He did?" Kanji asks, genuinely suprised.

"Of course he did," I say, feeling a little proud. "He is my partner, after all."

"Oh, by the way, are we still heading into the TV world tonight?" Yukiko says.

"I think that'd be for the best," Naoto replies.

"God, I hope Yosuke isn't too bothered by all this..." Chie sighs.

"It'd be natural if he is; we all were. What's even worse is that his Shadow actually came back to taunt him," Rise frowns.

"I suppose he just... Lost his true self," Yukiko mutters. "His true feelings."

"We're going to save him." I say, confidently.

"Hell yeah, we are," Kanji cheers.

"Alright, everyone, dig in," Naoto chuckles quietly, helping me hand out the boxed lunches.


Yosuke's POV:

When I finally reach the drama room, Yumi is already there waiting for me.

"Yosuke-kun!" she calls out.

"Hey, I'm here," I say, forcing a smile.

"Good. Come in, now," she takes my hand and drags me into the room.

Several other students are on the stage, practising their performances.

"Have you practiced your lines?" She asks, quickly flipping through the script, too busy to even make eye contact with me.

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