Brunette Love

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Yosuke's POV:

I haven't seen Shin all morning. Heck, did he even come home last night? I know he was out late, yes, but I was asleep way before he came back. If he did come back.

The last time I saw him was last night when he sent that text; him taking me away from that moment I had with Yu. It was so... Great being with him... I long for his touch. Just for him. It sounds so pathetic, God... But I am in love with him. I'd do anything for him. Just to be with him... But I know Shin feels the same.

I never knew my brother was into this stuff. Hell, I didn't know I was into this stuff until I met Yu. Damn, does he have cupid's arrows or something? Because I never thought I feel like this... especially toward another... guy.

I know I'll have to tell Mom and Dad one day. That I'm... you know... into Yu... I wouldn't say I'm gay, though. No, that's not it. I mean, when you think of a gay guy, you think of someone who likes nail polish, and dresses and shit. I don't like that crap. Maybe some guys do, though. And that's fine! It's just... not for me...

I mean, yes, for Yu, I'd do it... But not as a fashion choice. Maybe Yu likes that stuff? Like, he dresses up, and paints his nails in his freetime? Heh, that sounds kinda cute, though...

But I don't want to be a stereotypical gay guy... I don't like the word... It makes me feel all antsy and awkward. I know Chie uses it a lot, and Yukiko sometimes, too... But for me... it's just strange...

Maybe Yu feels the same way, and he's having a dilemma about this, too. But he'd always find a way to not follow the stereotypes, and make ones for himself. Maybe that's just what I need to do... Just not give a damn about how I'm supposed to act. I can just act how I please, can't I? Nobody has the right to tell me how to act or feel. I know Yu believes strongly in things like that, too. So it makes me glad I can think in that way.

"I'm heading out," I yell to my Mom, reaching for the doorknob.

"Hey, have you seen your brother?" She appears from the kitchen; stopping me in my tracks.

"Uh, no?" I shrug.

"I don't think he came home last night," she sighs.

"What?" I perk up. "What are you talking about?"

"He hasn't answered any of my calls, and he hasn't left a note of some sort, like he usually does."

"Oh, fuck," I groan.

"Listen, I don't want you to worry about this, okay? We're going to find him, yeah? So... just go to school, and have a good time." She kisses my cheek. "Have a good day, honey."

I scrunch my face up as she leaves. I was right, huh? In a way, that gives me satisfaction. In another, it makes me feel guilty.

He said he had more information. Did he get impatient when I took too long?

I know it's not my fault he didn't come home. I mean, what could I have done? I just feel like I could have helped him more before... Y'know: rather than just thinking of Yu.

"Come on, Ted," I sigh, opening the door.

"Aren't you worried about Shin?" He cocks his head slightly.

"He'll find his way," I tell him. "I know he will..."


Yu's POV:

I'm a little early to school, and I'm one of the only people walking along the food plain. I feel kinda anxious, so I look around to distract myself. That's when I notice a figure laying down on the riverbank -- spread out like a starfish. Just... laying there.

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