Run From Yourself

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Yu's POV:

My nose tingles as I feel my eyes begin to water again.

Fuck. Why am I so emotional? I keep everything inside until I snap. Just like I did then.

I keep fucking up my relationship, and it's barely even been a day of us being together.

Maybe we shouldn't be together.

Maybe I'm just the problem.

In a way, I want him to break up with me. Knowing he's my boyfriend makes me feel insecure. He manages to keep everything together; so why can't I?

Even this shit with that gang didn't make things feel any better. It's just another weight upon my shoulders. It's all becoming too much. I don't know how much longer I can take this: being treat like a fucking toy.

I don't get a say in any of this. I'm just being stringed along, into all this shit.

I can't even tell anyone. Nobody would understand, would they? It's all just some fucked up shit in my mind.

I make my way into the men's bathroom in order to wash my face. When I check the mirror, I notice someone standing behind me.

I turn around. "Can I help you?"

"Hi," the boy bows. "I'm a transfer student here, and I was hoping you could show me around."

"Fuck off."

He looks hurt, but mostly suprised. I notice him looking me up at down, pursing his lips. "Got a problem?" I growl.

"...Are... are you alright?"

I shove past him, and exit the restroom. Selfish bastard.

I don't have time for him, nor his stupid questions. Mind your own business, will you!?


Yosuke's POV:

The rest of us eat in silence. I can't express how much I wanted to follow Yu. Just to make sure he's alright. But, Naoto is right. It's best if we just leave him. Maybe that's what he needs more than anything right now. Still, it hurts.

"Oh. You guys are up here," a female student from our year says, coming onto the roof.

"Yeah?" Kanji grunts. "What about it?"

"Um.. Do you know where Narukami-kun is?"

"What the fuck do you want with him?" Shin snaps.

"O-oh, no! N-not for me... Um.. Well..." She stammers.

"Shin, let her speak," I scold.

"I- I heard some rumors about him, but I don't know if they're true..."

"What rumors?" I ask. She's certainly piqued my interest.

"I- I really shouldn't say..."

"Hey! Spit it out, okay?!" Rise yells.

"O-okay! U-um... Some second-years were saying he was giving drugs out to some kids after school..."

"What?" Shin and I say in sync.

"You believe that shit?!" Kanji stands up abruptly.

"N-no! Th-that's just what I heard!!"

"What did you hear?" I snap.

"H-how he's been acting kinda strange lately..." She mumbles. "A-and he's got those bruises..."

"...So, what?" Shin scoffs. "Can't you kids mind your own fucking business!?"

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