Two Minutes

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Yu's POV:

Yosuke leads the way to the karaoke bar we're meeting at.

Admittedly, I am a little nervous. Scrap that, I'm really nervous. My hands in my pockets are practically sweating through my pants.

It's gonna be fine. That's what Yosuke said. One time. Then it's over.

Unfortunately, they're already all there, waiting. I think we're late.

Akrio, Arashi, Emi, Rio and Togo are all there waiting for us. There's another woman mixed amongst them, too.

She is tall, and has long, dark, silky hair that rolls off her shoulders, complimented by a red headband. Her eyes are light green, and she stands with her hands clasped together.

I'm assuming she's one of the twins' girlfriend.

"Let's do this," Yosuke whispers.

I sigh, but don't say anything. I just take his lead.


"No fucking way," Akrio laughs. "Narukami?"

"In the flesh," I say, between gritted teeth.

"Holy shit, dude," he gasps. "I mean, Emi told me you were comin' and shit, but... damn! Seein' you for real is like a whole other thing."

"How have you been?" Arashi booms, pushing past his brother to meet me.

"Good," I nod.

"I didn't know you were bringing a friend along," Emi chuckles nervously.

"Well, he's staying," I frown.

"No, I didn't mean anything by it," she adds, quickly.

"I mean, Akrio has his girlfriend, don't he?" Arashi scoffs. "Why should that guy be any different?"

"Hey, don't be rude," the girlfriend mumbles, elbowing Akrio in the stomach. "Introduce me, idiot."

"Ah, yes," he mutters. "This is my girlfriend, Kimiko Hatanaka." He puts his arm around her shoulders with a smile.

"Yosuke Hanamura," Yosuke holds out his hand. Arashi takes it firmly.

"You okay, Mika?" Emi suddenly turns around to her friend. "You haven't said much."

"Just... not feeling well," Togo excuses.

"You and me both," I murmur.

"Aww, c'mon, Rio," Akrio smiles, moving out of the way. "You remember Yu, right?"

"O-of course I remember him," she stammers, crossing her arms with a pout.

She's still quite small -- or, at least compared to the rest of us. Her red hair is a little longer than I remembered, and she's gained a healthy amount of weight since I last saw her.

"Hey," I wave.

She bites her lip and shrinks back into the crowd.

"Don't be scared," Emi chuckles. "You used to love him!"

"Not as much as you used to," Arashi teases.

"Well, nobody loved him as much as I used to," she smirks.

"Yeah, yeah," I groan.

"I'm over it now, though," she confirms. "And aren't you the guy who was with him yesterday?" She turns back to face Yosuke. "At the restaurant, right?"

It takes him a couple of moments to realize he's being spoken to. "Yes," he says. "Yeah, I was there."

"Now that I see you in the daylight, you're not actually bad-looking," she shrugs.

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