Nobody Deserves To Die

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Yosuke's POV:

"Smell anything, Teddie?" I ask.

"Hrm... no," he frowns, scrunching up his nose.

"It doesn't exactly help when we have no idea what we're even searching for," Rise huffs.

"I'm not buying that we're in here simply for training." Chie puts her hands on her hips, glaring at me. "I mean, why would we train? What would we train for?"

"We just-" I grunt. "We don't have time."

"Time for what, exactly?" Naoto asks.

"Just, shut it!" I snap.

"Hey, calm down, okay?" Yu coos, standing at my side. "Getting all worked up won't help anyone."

"I know!" I sigh. "I... I know..."

"Oh... That's odd," Rise remarks, summoning Himiko.

"What's up?" Kanji turns.

"I'm getting a strong reading from... that way!" She points to our right, as Himiko deactivates.

"A strong reading?" Teddie gasps. "Ah... yes! I see now!! It smells... strange... Strange indeed, Rise-chan!"

"It... looks pretty foggy down there," Shin grunts. "Are you sure it's the right way?"

"Of course I'm sure," Rise scoffs.

"Oh... he hasn't got the glasses," Chie realizes.

"Oh, fineee," Teddie groans, pulling out a pair of circular, orange glasses and handing them to him.

"Uh, no thanks..."

"You have to wear them." Teddie shakes them around with annoyance. "Otherwise you won't be able to see."

He grits his teeth as he snatches the glasses from Teddie and slides them up his nose. "Well, damn," he nods.

"Better view?" Yu chuckles.

"Hell yeah."

"He doesn't have a Persona, though..." Yukiko reminds us. "Is it really safe for him to be here?"

"I'll be okay," he assures her.

"Here." Yu hands him a small dagger.

"D-dude," he stammers, inspecting it carefully. "A-are you sure we're allowed to use this shit...?"

"For protection," Yu grins. "And don't hesitate to use it, okay?"

"Shadows aren't real people," Teddie explains. "They just wanna kill you."

"That's why we gotta fight back," Kanji adds. "Don't slow us down, alright?"

"Y-yeah..." Shin swallows, still looking at the dagger. "I'll... do my best."

I mean, seriously... After everything, a dagger should be the least terrifying thing he's ever seen.

"It's our job to protect him, right, guys?" Rise says. "Shin-san, just stay behind Yu, okay?"

"Got it," he nods.

"He's kinda our strongest asset," Chie shrugs nonchalantly.

"That so?" He smiles, looking at Yu.

I don't know what he's so happy about; I hope he remembers that it's his fault we're in this mess to begin with.

"Let's head out," Yu nods, taking the lead.

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