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Yosuke's POV:

What Giichi says doesn't exactly add up. Or, rather, what he had said as opposed to Yu.

Yu said Giichi was the one badmouthing him, and calling him a slut. Then Giichi accuses him of abuse?

Honestly, I feel more inclined to believe Yu. Of course I do. Giichi does have anger issues, I'll admit. There's something... wrong with him. He wants to be the victim, I guess. He wants my attention. But I really don't think Yu would attack someone like that.

And his parents' abuse? That's... Geez... I can't believe he never told me... And here I was, thinking it was lonely in his house. I guess being alone is better than being abused.

I know I said I was gonna call things off with him... But I couldn't bring myself to. At the bar, he was just so happy... I didn't wanna bring the mood down. And just then, he was ranting on about his life... I couldn't do it then, either...

I guess it's not a big deal if I don't tell him straight away... It's not real, after all...

But I can't help but wonder, what if?

What if he's telling the truth? What if Shin has influenced Yu in some way into abusing another person? Or maybe he was drunk?

I feel awful for thinking this way about him... But why would Giichi lie? I know he's never liked Yu particularly, but why would he want to make him the enemy? If anything, it'd seem more likey being the other way around...

Giichi and I meet up again with the rest of the crowd.

"Where's Yu?" Is my first question.

"Over there." Rise jerks a finger to the reception area. "He's on his cell."

"That's my cell," I correct. "What's he doing, all alone?"

"Dunno," Kanji shrugs. "Said he wanted to be alone, or somethin'."


He wants to be alone? Is that because I ditched him for Giichi? I guess that's understandable...

"Hey, Yosuke?" Giichi tugs on my arm. "Can we skate together?"

"Um... I- uh... I should go check up on Yu, first..." I explain.

He frowns, with hurt in his eyes. "Oh."

"No, Giichi..." I sigh. "That's not what I meant..."

"I'll go check up on him," Naoto says.

"You sure?" I ask.

"Of course," she nods. "You two should get going."

That certainly changes his mood around. "That's so sweet of you, Naoto-chan."

"H-hm? Oh, yes..." She's obviously not used to people using the honorific 'chan' with her. Her reaction is pretty cute, though.


Yu's POV:

"Senpai?" A small voice calls. I look up from the phone, and see Natoto struggling to get off the ice.

"Here." I put the cell in my pocket, and rush over to help her.

"Th-thank you..." She breathes.

I sit us back down on the bench, and turn to look at her.

"What's wrong?"

"Yosuke-kun was worried about you," she sighs.

"...Why didn't he come himself?" I frown.

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