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Yosuke's POV:

I'm so glad my shift's finally over. I never thought it would end. Yawn!

Damn, can Junes get any lamer?

On the bright side, Dad was in his office all day, so I barely saw him. Not that we spoke when I did, though.

Teddie's off duty today, too, so I got some peace. Shin was supposed to be in, but I saw Yu take him out after class, so I made an excuse for him. But... He never showed.

It takes a couple of moments before my cell lights up.

Yu's icon on my screen makes all my worries fade away.

"Yo." I put the phone to my ear, trying to suppress my grin.

"Remember that study session I promised you?"


He watches over me as I study math on his desk. Having him watch me is kinda like a blessing and a curse. A blessing 'cause he's staring at me, and a curse because now I'm afraid to mess up.

"You missed question seventeen." He points his finger to the paper. He catches the nib of it on the edge, and pulls back quickly.

"What's wrong?"

"Shit, ha..." He sucks his finger, embarrassed. "Paper cut."

"Seriously!?" I laugh. "You wuss!"

"It's not funny," he pouts. "It really hurts."

"Duuuuude," I groan, throwing my head back in the chair. "Hold up, I think I got some bandaids in my bag from work."

I rustle around my backpack until I find what I'm looking for.

"Come here, dork."

Yu and I sit on his futon, as I take his finger in my hand, and wrap it up delicately. "Better?"

"Ehhh," he shrugs. "You coulda kissed it, first."

"Get lost!" I nudge him in the shoulder, and the two of us burst out laughing.

"You're, um... pretty good at patching things up, yeah?" He asks, avoiding my gaze.

"'Suppose," I shrug. "Why?"

"U-uh... I don't suppose you have any bigger bandages in your bag of wonders, do you?"


He sucks in his stomach as I wrap it in the dressing. I can see how much it hurts him. I try to be as careful as I can, but my clumsy ass keeps making it worse for him. "Shit! Sorry!"

"I-it's... a-alright..." He tries to put on a brave face.

"Try not to wiggle around too much, got it?" I advise, finishing the bandaging.

"You got it, Doc."

"Don't insult my intelligence," I groan.

"I wasn't," he shrugs, watching as I move onto his arms. "You're smarter than you look, Yosuke."

"Can't tell if you're complimenting me or not," I smirk, carefully lifting his arm into the air.

"Yeah. Of course I am."

"So," I say. "That just confirms my suspicions." He looks at me. "You didn't call me here to study, did you?"

"Maybe I didn't."

"Tryna play hard to get?"

"Nah," he sighs. "Nobody can pull it off like you."

"Yeah, yeah." I roll my eyes, returning his arm to his lap before addressing the other.

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