I'll Look After You

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Yu's POV:

"I've been travelling the world quite a lot..." Shin admits. "But not for the reasons you think. It's not because I'm a world traveller, or that I wanted higher education..." He shakes his head. "I was... smuggling drugs. Illegal drugs, Yu."

My heart stops for a moment. Not once had I ever thought he'd do that. Sure, maybe he'd joke about it; but he's serious, now. And I don't know how to respond.

"...Why would you do that?"

Shin looks over his shoulder, this way and that, ensuring nobody is listening. "I did it for her."

"Her? Who is--?"

I'm cut off when Yosuke comes tumbling into me, forcing himself onto me for a hug. "Yu!!" He chuckles. I hold him on my lap, squeezing him slightly. But then I hold him tighter. I hope he doesn't notice, but it's clear he does, and I hear him sigh with relief into my ear before he sits to my side.

"Hey," I say, trying not to let Shin's words worry me too much. But, how can I?

Drugs? Really!?

"Shit, I'm so glad you're okay."

"Yosuke," Shin says, sternly.


"He knows. Well, I'm... you know..."

"Oh, fuck," he sighs. "I'm so sorry... That... probably wasn't appropriate..."

"Don't worry," I shrug. "You didn't know."

"I- I should go..." He begins.

"Stay," I smile wearily, reaching for his hand so that he sits back down beside me. For once, Shin doesn't even seem to mind.

"My girlfriend," he continues. "Or... ex-girlfiend..."

"She made you do that?"

"Not just her," he sighs. "Her friends, too. They all had it out for me because I was dating Hana. I fell in love. Stupid, I know, but... I loved her so much.

"She only used me as a coverup. We met in a club when I was seventeen. After that was a blur. All I remember is her accusing me of cheating on her."

"So, what?" I scoff. "You just... did some shit for her? To buy her forgiveness, or something!?"

"I don't know why I did it. I should have seen the signs. I just... wanted her to love me. Being away from home was hard, you know? I needed someone there. Unfortunately... she was that someone."

"You... can't blame yourself," I sigh. Though I can't hide my anger well.

"I was letting her manipulate me," he curses himself. "I met her group and they seemed like your average, reckless teenagers. But, now..."

"They're coming for you," Yosuke whispers.

"Huh?" I ask, quietly.

"It was a dumb mistake!" Shin declares. "I swear, I never meant to drag you into this..."

"He brought you to the diner as a witness in case anything went wrong," Yosuke explains.

"They want money from me. But they think you'll do nicely as a substitute," he sighs.

And, for a moment... Everything goes silent. I feel like the life I've had with Shin has all been a lie.

"Yu..." He looks down. "Please... Say something."

I shake my head, and the first bell sounds. I stand up and grab my bag.

"Don't," I say lowly.

"I get that you're mad—"

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