More Than A Crush

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Yu's POV:

After the last bell rings, I meet Yosuke by his desk.

"You ready?" I ask.

"I said tonight," he sighs. "Not right now."

"Oh," I say. "Sorry. Guess I'm getting too ahead of myself... heh..."

"I have work right now, so I'll come once I'm finished, okay?"

"I have to go to Junes, too," I admit, remembering my promise to Nanako.

"I can't tell if you're being serious or not," he furrows an eyebrow.

"I am. It's my uncle's birthday tomorrow. Nanako and I are planning him a suprise party."

He smiles, like he expected that from us.

"Plus, I was hoping you'd want to come," I say, a little more shyly than I had rehearsed.

"I don't think you'd want me there," he shakes his head.

"Nanako said it'd mean the world to her."

That wasn't exactly a lie. She does think of Yosuke as her brother, too.

"God, Yu, I don't know."

"Just think about it, okay?"

He sighs.

"I'll see you soon," I smile.

When I turn, Shin greets me.

"Shit," I jump, startled by his sudden presence.

"Sorry," he says. "Didn't mean to frighten you." He chuckles a little. "Anyways, I heard you're havin' a party?"

"Do you always eavesdrop in conversations?"

"Only the ones that involve you."


"Ha, nothin'."

"Anyways, yeah. We are. If you wanna come."

"So long as I get to see your pretty face, I'll be there."

Shit. Is he flirting?

"Anyways," he says. "I gotta go do some stuff at home. I'll call you tonight?"

"Yeah. I'd like that," I smile.


He looks as though he's going to leave, but, instead of doing so, he pulls his body against mine, and wraps his arms around my neck while I instinctively hold his waist.

Just a hug. Nothing more.

"Thank you," he whispers. "For everything."


As soon as Nanako and I arrive at Junes, she holds my hand, dragging me all around the store.

"Ooh! Dad loves blue! Can we get him blue balloons? And a blue cake? And blue gift wrap?" She begs.

"Of course we can," I smile, picking up all the items she chooses.

"Hey, big bro?" She tugs on my sleeve as we walk. "Where's Yosuke-kun?"

"He's working today," I say. "So maybe we'll see him around."

Okay, we'll definitely see him around. I've been keeping a look out for every section he might be in. So far, nothing. But I'm hoping he'll come out soon.

As we arrive at the desk to pay, I see Yosuke sorting something behind the counter.

"There he is!" Nanako gasps with delight.

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