Nothing Special

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Yosuke's POV:

"Don't you wanna put some clothes on?" I ask him.

"Sorry... Am I making you uncomfortable?" He frowns.

"No! No, not at all!" I say. "You can do whatever you feel most comfortable with."

He smiles a little. "You're cute."

"C-cute?" I scoff.."I- I dunno about that..."

He wobbles over to his drawer of clothes, and picks out some gray sweatpants.

"Do you need help?" I ask. "Putting them on, I mean."

"Sure," he says.

He sits on the couch, and I gently tug the pants' legs up his lower-body. "Does this hurt?" I ask, looking up for his reaction.

"A little," he winces.

"Sorry... I'll go slower."

"Thanks..." He sighs.

Once I finish putting his pants on, I ask him if he wants a shirt.

"I think I'll overheat if I have a shirt on," he shrugs. "Sorry..."

"Wh- what are you apologizing for?!" I panic. "This is your house! I don't mind you being shirtless."

He chuckles.

"Shit... That came out way more perverted than I expected..." I frown.

"I'll forgive you," he shrugs, smiling.


"Come." He taps the space beside him for me to sit. I sit at the other end of the couch, so I don't make him uncomfortable. He laughs at this, and shuffles closer to me; resting his head on my shoulder. "I don't bite," he whispers.

"D-do you need anything?" I feel my whole body go warm.

"Actually... Could you get me some painkillers? They're just in the bathroom cabinet."

"Of course," I smile. He lifts off me, as I leave the room.

(Yu's POV:)

Should I have told him? I mean, yes, it is a great weight lifted from my shoulders...

But won't it just bother him?

Does this mean he'll treat me differently now because he knows knows happened?

That's not what I want... I want him to treat me how he always does... However that is.

As I wait for Yosuke to return, I hear his phone vibrate. I try not to look at the notification, but it doesn't stop. I eventually give in, and check his home screen.

Giichi: yo

Giichi: u gonna tell me?

Giichi: are we gonna tell

Tell me? Tell me what?

Giichi: call me when ur free

Giichi: miss ur voice lol

I frown as I read the final text. Is he serious?

This little bastard thinks he owns Yosuke? And what's this secret he's keeping from me?

I'm sick of all these lies.

"Yu?" His voice calls. I quickly put his phone down, and go back to my prior position. "Are these them?" He holds out a packet of pills in front of himself.

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