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Yosuke's POV:

I can't lie, I do feel a whole lot better now that Yu knows the truth. Not that I was necessarily lying to him in the first place.

And... the fact that he knows makes me feel safer. Because I know if Giichi ever tries something, Yu will be there. Hell, he'd be there even if he didn't know about the deal.

Even so, I feel like a little kid clinging to his arm as we walk into the food court. He doesn't seem to mind, though. I mean, he's used to Rise and Nanako doing this sorta stuff, so I doubt it feels weird to him.

Giichi sits alone on a table, eyes glued on his cell. He clearly hasn't noticed us, and I'm just hoping he won't make a run for it when he sees Yu.

"Don't say anything rash, okay?" I mumble into his shoulder.

"I'll say whatever needs to be said."


He breaks off from me and strides towards the table. He pushes the chair opposite Giichi out of the way, and places a hand on the surface.

"Narukami," he says flatly. "How can I be of assistance?"

"Let's talk, Miura."

"In fact, I was just meeting a friend."

I jog over to them, standing beside Yu. "We're not friends, Giichi."

"Oh, I see." He pockets his phone with a sly smile. "I've been played, huh?"

"Whatever," Yu mutters. "I need a favor."

"A favor?" He scoffs. "Go fuck yourself."

"Please, Giichi," I mumble. "It's really important."

"Important?" He raises an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"We just... need you to come with us," Yu grimaces.

"No way," he shakes his head, sipping at his coffee. "I'm leaving."

"Scared?" Yu smirks, watching him stand up. "C'mon, now. Scared of little ol' me?"

"I ain't scared of no one."

"Why in such a rush, then?"

"I'm not." Reluctantly, Giichi sits back down in his seat and crosses his arms, like he's been cornered. "Okay, I'll listen."

"Hana wants to meet with you," Yu frowns.


"So glad that name rings a bell," he scoffs. "That won't be a problem, will it?"

"No... It's just... been a while since I've heard from her, I suppose."

"Yeah?" He says. "Well, if you wouldn't mind, she's a busy woman and needs to speak with you as soon as possible."

"Hold on there, Narukami." Giichi raises a hand. "Don't think I'm doing this of my own good will."

"There's always gotta be a catch with you." Yu throws his head back, not even pretending to be suprised. "Alright. Spit it out."

"Yosuke stays at my place tonight."

"No fucking way," Yu says, before I even have chance to reply.

"Then deal off." Giichi sits back in his chair with a satisfied look.

"Fine," Yu scoffs, turning to leave.

"Dude," I frown, gently grabbing his arm to hold him back. "We need him."

"You are not going anywhere with him,"  he says quietly but sternly. "Especially not alone."

"I won't," I say.

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