Cold Bones

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Yu's POV:

"...Is that...?" Kanji swallows hard.

"No..." Rise murmurs. "I-it can't be..."

"It has to be," Naoto sighs. "That's the only logical explanation."

"It's not," I snap.

"Yu..." Chie begins.

"It's not, okay? It's not... me."

Hana frowns. "But it-"

"Shut up!" I yell. "It's not. It's not me."

"Why is it so close to Yosuke?" Shin frowns, squinting his eyes.

"No..." I whisper. "No, no, no, fuck!!"

"What's wrong?" Shin asks, panicked.

"L-listen," I swallow hard. "You guys just wait here, okay?"

"And what're you gonna do?" Chie frowns.

"I'll... I'll figure something out."

"What... is that?" Shin repeats.

"If it is with Yosuke... what does that mean?" Naoto bites her lip.

"For fuck's sake!" Shin yells. "Someone fucking tell me what that is!"

"It doesn't matter," I mumble.

"It's his Shadow," Rise says.

I shoot her a quick look of irritation. She doesn't seem in the least bothered.

"His... Shadow?" Shin comprehends. "Wait... Like Hana's Shadow, then?"

"Yeah," Yukiko sighs.

"...You have a Shadow?" He turns to me, speaking slowly.

"Yeah, yeah, so what," I grunt. "Just give me a minute, okay?"

"What, to go see that thing?" He scoffs.

"I just need it to leave."

"It won't go away."

"Stop acting like you know more about this crap than I do."

"...What does it do?"

"It distorts his mind," Naoto explains. "His inner thoughts and feelings."

"It expresses them in obsessive ways, though," Teddie mumbles. "You can't always trust a Shadow."

"Why don't any of you guys have Shadows, when we do?" Hana asks.

"Our Shadows are now our Personas," Yukiko shrugs.

"But... I never had a Shadow?" Shin says slowly.

"It's different for you, okay?" I sigh. "It was for me, too. Once."

"...What do you mean, 'once'?"

"I mean, shit's changed, Shin," I snap.

"You've lost your true self."

"Keep your mouth shut."

"Stop trying to block me out," he says firmly.

"I'm not," I grunt. "I just don't need you to keep telling me shit I already know."

"I didn't mean to."


"Do you... Do you think it's charmed Yosuke?" Kanji furrows his eyebrows. "Y'know, like how that Shadow did before?"

"We can't rule out the possibility," Naoto says.

"Or maybe Yosuke thought it was the real Sensei," Teddie chimes in.

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