Pick and Choose

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Yu's POV:


Yosuke: Giichi was rite
wasn't he?

Yosuke: You're jealous

Yu: Leave me alone.

Yosuke: I'm sorry okay?

Yosuke: Listen...

Yosuke: Giichi doesn't
mean anything to me

Yosuke: Not in the way you do

Yu: What are you talking about?

Yosuke: We're not dating, okay?

Yosuke: Fuck

Yosuke: We never WERE

Yu: What was the point
in playing the part?

Yosuke: Jesus Yu

Yosuke: To make you fucking

Yu: Damn.

Yosuke: Stupid huh?


Yosuke: I'm sorry

Yosuke: I never wanted to
lie to you

Yosuke: It was his idea

Yu: Why am I not suprised?

Yosuke: But...

Yosuke: Earlier this morning
he asked me out..

Yu: What did you say?

Yosuke: I told him I'd think
about it

Yu: Why wasn't it an immediate

Yosuke: Because of you

Yu: There's nothing to us.

Yu: We're friends.

Yosuke: You're only
lying to yourself

Yosuke: Everyone else knows
the truth

Yu: I don't like you, Yosuke.

Yu: Not in that way, at least.

Yu: How many times do I have
to say it before you get it
through your thick skull?

Yosuke: I'm sorry for
being such a pushover.

Yosuke: Just tell me why
you don't like Giichi.

Yosuke: Do you feel as though
he's replacing you?

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