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Yu's POV:

"P-please, partner," the Shadow begs. "D-don't do this to me..."

"I'm sorry," I say. "But I have to. This is the only way I can save him."

"Gah! Why do you want to save him so badly?! He's nothing but a whiny pain in the ass!"

That's when I lose it.

I run full force at the Shadow with my katana in my hand, slashing it, and slashing it, screaming out in anger. When suddenly, I stop. Because it wasn't the Shadow I was slashing: it was myself.


"Stay with me, Senpai," I hear Rise call from an echoey place.

"You okay, Kanji-kun?" Yukiko asks, still a blur.

"Yeah, I got him," I feel Kanji lifting me up, and starting to run.

"What about Yosuke?!" Chie says.

"H-help... Yosuke..." I manage to breathe out.

"Shit," Kanji says.

"I'll get 'im!" Chie says, boldly, and I assume she goes to carry Yosuke.

"Save him," I wheeze.

"Don't lose your breath, dammit!" Kanji scolds me.

I find remaining strength to lift my arm up, seeing hazy cuts and blood dripping down, just making me feel even worse.

"Don't look at it, Senpai!" Naoto says, running side-by-side with Kanji and me. "It'll only put you off. You need to stay conscious."

I try to listen, but it's it's hard when I feel as though my insides are slowly escaping my body.

"Rise-chan, are we nearly there?" Yukiko asks.

"Yes!" Rise replies. "Everyone, out here, quick, quick!!"


When I finally open my eyes again, I feel like I'm in a different world. Probably because, I actually am.

"You're awake," Naoto says.

"What... what happened?" I ask, sitting up, rubbing my head, but falling back down again due to the pain of the injuries.

"You attacked the Shadow," she says, sternly. "Why would you do that? You knew it would only repel."

I don't reply.

"Give him some time to regain consciousness," Kanji says, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Very well," Naoto sighs. "But I hope you know what you did could have killed you."

And she leaves my room.

"Don't listen to her," Kanji says, sitting beside me on my futon. "She was just worried about you, that's all."

I nod, but stay silent.

"Why'd you get so pissed in the first place? We had a plan."

"I don't know." I throw my head back in embarrassment.

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