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Yu's POV:

I feel my heart getting ready to burst out of my chest at the immense heat of the hotel.

We managed to find a crack in the wall, and it wasn't long until we forced ourselves through.

Shin and I head straight to the lobby, finding everyone else there waiting for us.

"Thank god you're okay," Rise says, throwing herself into my arms.

"Where's Yosuke?" I splutter.

"He... hasn't come down," Naoto says quietly.

"Yeah... Me and Yukiko were locked in this really hot room... I think maybe we heard him?" Chie shrugs. "I dunno... My head's still all fuzzy..." She groans, holding herself upright.

"You and... Yukiko?" I frown.


"Kanji, who were you with?" I ask.

"Uh, Naoto?"

"Oh, fuck," I sigh, finally fitting the pieces together.

"What's wrong, Sensei?" Teddie frowns.

"He's..." I swallow. "He's with Miura."

"W-we don't know for certain," Yukiko says, forcing a smile.

"He is," I shake my head. "I... I have to find him. Fuck! I shouldn't have wasted all this time... I—"

"That won't be necessary." Yosuke appears behind me, and I swallow my words.

I run into him, grasping him tightly, murmuring into his ear. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry about everything."

I finally pull back, but return again to kiss his lips. I can't help myself. I was so afraid of what Miura might have done. I need to know he's real. That he's okay.

He pulls away awkwardly, wiping his hand across his lips.

"Yosuke?" I frown, hurt.

"I, um... Yeah. I'm fine," he shrugs, as if nothing had just happened.

"Were... were you with Miura?" Shin mutters.

He shakes his head. "I was alone."

"Seriously?" Kanji frowns.

"Geez, nobody wants you, huh, Yosuke?" Teddie snickers.

He doesn't even retaliate.

"You seem totally zoned out, Senpai." Rise narrows her eyes. "Is... something wrong?"

He shakes his head.

"Well... Should we move on?" Yukiko suggests.

"So we still have no sign of Miura or Hana's Shadow?" Naoto frowns.

"Seems that way," Chie murmurs.

"Oh, well!" Teddie smiles. "Let's get going. The final spot shouldn't be far, now!"

I turn back to Yosuke.

Did I... upset him before? I was being an ass... I was ignoring him, I refused his help... Yeah, alright, he should be mad. But... he's not his usual self — that much, I can tell.

He actually pulled away from me. I mean, I'm no Prince Charming, but for him to pull away from my kiss? Ouch.


"Nothing's standing out," Rise sighs, as we reach in the town center.

"Maybe we should split up?" I suggest.

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