Glad You're Here

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Yosuke's POV:

Once we're sheltered from the rain, Yu closes up the umbrella and hands it to me.

I smile, taking it from him, and placing it in my bag.

"Can we go to the food court?" He asks.

"No, Yu. It's raining," I remind him.

"Hah, I know," he chuckles lightly.

"Plus, you're already sick," I say, shaking my head.

I notice that he's still got Kanji's jacket wrapped around his shoulders, too.

"What, is Kanji your boyfriend, now?" I tease, but I only ask because I'm genuinely curious. Kinda.

I mean, it's whatever if he is. But still. I just wanna know.

"No, no," he smiles, "I've got my eye on somebody else."

"You do?" I ask, feeling antsy. "Who is it?"

"Hehe, well, aren't you curious?" He laughs a little.

"No," I say, quickly.

"What about you?" He asks. And he sounds genuinely curious, too. Just like I was...

"I don't know," I feel my cheeks go a little pink. "Wait, I mean no!"

"So, that's a yes?" He grins a little.

"No! I said no!" I try to tell him. But he isn't listening.

"Hehe... who is it?" He presses further.

"Yu, not now!" I whine. "And I don't! I really don't!"

"So, why're you getting so defensive over this, then?"

"I'm not!" I snap.

He looks a bit sad. "Sorry," he says. "Forget I said anything."

Great. Now I feel like an ass.

"Hey, let's go to the indoor café," I suggest, trying to change the subject.

"Indoor café?" His head tilts. "I never knew Junes had an one of those."

"Really?" I ask, suprised.

But then I remember that he hasn't really been in Junes all that much. Only in the electronics department, the food court, and the gift shop for Nanako's Jack Frost doll.

"I'll take you there," I say, and he smiles in return, following my lead.


Yu's POV:

Once we enter the Junes Café, Yosuke goes up to the barista and orders us a table.

Whilst he's talking, I notice it looks like a very modern café. I mean, I knew Junes had pretty much everything, but a café? Damn. All this must have been super expensive, too.

"C'mon," Yosuke ushers me with his head, indicating that we have a table. I quickly snap out of my thoughts, and I follow him.

"This place is great," I smile, pulling my chair out, sitting down.

"You think so?" He chuckles a little. "It's usually super busy, but, because we're here during school hours, it's pretty quiet..."

"Great time to come, then," I laugh a little.

"Oh, do you want anything?" He asks.

"No, I'm fine."

"Yu, c'mon, man. It's on me."

"I'm not going to make you pay."

"Oh, please. Discount, remember? I'll get you stuff for pretty much nothing."

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