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Yosuke's POV:

I feel my fingernails digging into the palm of my hand as his voice rings through my head.

"Wow," he chuckles. "You haven't changed one bit. Still the same ol' long hair, still a skinny body, and-- oh, yeah! A loser."

"Fuck you," I reply.

It pisses me off. Acting like everything's fine, when we both know it isn't.

"That's enough, you two," Mom scolds. She stands between us, as though trying to break a fight we were never in.

"So, where's my room?" He asks. "Wait, that stupid bear hasn't taken it, has he?"

"That 'stupid bear' has a name," Teddie frowns.

"Yeah, whatever," Shin rolls his eyes, and both Teddie and I glare at him.

"Still where it always was, honey," Mom smiles.

"Great," he grins. "Yosuke, you wouldn't mind taking my bags up, would you?"

"I would, actually." I grit my teeth.

"Yosuke," my dad says, with a low tone. "It's been a long time since Shin's been here; so be nice, alright?"

I roll my eyes. I'm seventeen and they still treat me like a fucking child.

My brother only smirks.

He has the same face as me, that's for sure. He grins, ruffling his hands through his slick hair; his hazel eyes gleaming in the light. It's kinda like looking in the mirror. Other than he's practically twice the man I am.

I like to think I'm pretty tall, but not compared to Shin. He always made it into a competition, too. I hated it.

His smile flexes his jaw in an unsettling way, which never fails to freak me out. When he does that, I know he's trying to intimate me.

"Whatever," I say, reluctantly picking up his unusually light luggage up the stairs.

As expected, he doesn't follow me; but instead, Mom offers him dinner, letting him relax while I do all the work. Typical.

As I drop the bags off in Shin's room, I hear my phone buzz.


Yu: Please talk to me.

Yu: I want to make things right
between us.

Yu: I miss you.

I pause, looking up and down his messages. Then, I quickly switch back to my internet search.

Underneath the articles of... quizzes, I see a note which says Conversation Therapy.

I've heard of it before, definitely, but I didn't think it'd be so open on the web like this.

I press the link, as the page loads up a few numbers and prices. And, shit, is it expensive.

I check how much money I have in my bank account, but I don't really know if I want to waste all my yen on this... Should I? ...Nah, maybe not... I'm sure I can deal with this on my own...

God, I wish I had someone to talk to about this sort of stuff.

I scroll down a little on the website, and see quotes from some of the therapists.

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