Two Sides of a Story

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Yu's POV:

Shin and I lay in his bed, watching a movie together. He lays behind me, with his arm across my side and it droops down my stomach, pulling my body into his.

He gives me gentle kisses across my shoulder and up my neck.

"Sh-Shin," I murmur, squirming a little. "You're tickling me."

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

"No, I love you." He sits up, suddenly. I do the same. "More than you could ever know."

"Okay," I chuckle. "You didn't have to say it like that."

"I want to be yours. For forever. I want to tell everyone about you. I want everyone to know about us."

"What are you saying?"

"I want to tell Mom and Dad about you."

"...Are you sure?"

"Yeah," he smiles. "I want them to love you like I do."


"Koibito," he says.

He holds out a hand for me. As I take it, he pulls my body onto his, wrapping his arms around my stomach as I shift on his lap.

He grabs my hand and turns it over to see my wrist. He plants a kiss on my inner wrist, and I jolt back, hissing in pain.

"What is it?!" He asks, panicked.

"It's... nothing," I wince.

I completely forgot about what Izanagi did yesterday... Fuck, it burns.

He carefully lifts up my sleeve for further examination. "Yu? Did you... do this to yourself?"

"What?!" I snap my hand back, offended. "No! I didn't!"

"H-hey, I'm sorry for asking, okay? I just wanted to know... I... I needed to know if—"

"Y-you think I'd do that?" I frown, rubbing my wrist carefully.

"N-no, of course not!"

I glare at him, but his voice softens.

"Is this the same person who did that to you?" He asks, running his hand carefully along the front of my shirt.

I shake my head.

"So... different people?"

"Not... people."

"What do you mean?" He looks confused. "Animals? Objects? Speak to me."

"Shadows," I whisper.


"They're just... ugh, nevermind. Forget I said anything."

"Yu." He brushes the bangs out of my face. "Tell me more."

"It sounds... crazy... But there's this other world..." I begin. "And, in it, are... monsters. They're powerful, and can kill you."

"Why do you go in that world?" He says, as if playing along.

"To fight them. With Personas."

"You've lost me."

"The manifestation of one's heart," I mutter. "Sorry... I know this is a lot of crazy, new information."

"So... monsters attack you? Where was your Persona?"

"It... it's complicated."

I mean, Izanagi was completely useless against Yosuke's Shadow, right? I guess he's lost his purpose.

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