With You

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Yu's POV:

"So, Senpai," Rise giggles. "How does it feel to finally be free?"

"Ah! It feels great!" Chie smiles, running on ahead of us, dancing in the sunlight.

"And, hey, no need to call us 'Senpai' anymore, Rise-chan," Yukiko laughs.

"Aww," she pouts. "It's gonna be so lonely without you guys next year."

"Don't worry!" Teddie grins. "I'll be with you, Rise-chan! Forever and ever and ever!"

"Ew, I'm not that desperate, you stupid bear." She flicks him on the head with her two fingers.

"So. What's the plan for you guys?" Kanji asks, leaning onto the wall on the roof.

"I'm gonna go to college," Chie says.

"...Well, I have to take over the inn," Yukiko shrugs.

"How about you, Yu?" Naoto chuckles. "Do you have any plans?"

"Yup!" Rise says, linking her arm in mine. "He's gonna stay back a year with me."

"A-actually, Rise..." I laugh awkwardly.

"I'm just kidding. Geez, Senpai," she giggles. "And here I was, thinking you'd miss me!"

"Yeah, well, with you, it's hard tryna figure out if what you're sayin' is true or not," Kanji mentions.

"Shut up, Moronji!" She snaps.

"A-anyways..." I say, breaking free from Rise. "Where's Yosuke?"

"Hm?" Naoto frowns. "I could have sworn he was just behind you..."

"Oh, uh, he has a shift at Junes," Kanji shrugs.

"...He didn't tell me that," I mutter.

"Who the hell would work right after graduation!?" Chie scoffs.

"I'm suprised you didn't know, Yu," Yukiko says. "I mean, for the past eight months or so, he's been practically attached to you."

"Eight months, huh..." I tap my foot. "Geez. Ha... It's really been that long..."

"And yet Yosuke still acts like you're in your first stages," Teddie tuts.

"What do you mean... 'still'?" I say.

"Sometimes at night, I hear you two-"

"Woah! Too much information," Chie grimaces.

"Why do you have to make it sound so weird, Teddie?" I scoff. "...Sometimes we just stay up late playing video games. That's all."

"Sheesh, Teddie... You seem awfully interested in their relationship," Rise giggles.

"With Yosuke around, I never have Sensei for myself anymore," he pouts.

"Hey, cheer up, Ted." Kanji pats him on the back. "You'll find love one day."

"...Oh, Rise-chan!" Teddie sings.

"Nuh-uh," she frowns. "No way, Teddie. Not a chance."

"Awww," he frowns.

"Besides," she smiles. "You guys have met Tadaaki, right?"

"Yeah," Chie says. "Kinda hard to forget him when he had a whole damn snake around his neck."

"He was a little strange..." Yukiko mutters.

"What... what do you guys know!?" She scoffs. "Yu, back me up, here!"

"...He was a little funky looking..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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