Stand By Me

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Yu's POV:

Shin didn't come at all.

The final bell rings, and I pack up my stuff.

"Wait." Yosuke reaches out to pull me back. "Wait for me."

"I wasn't gonna leave you," I chuckle lightly.

"Shin didn't come, huh?" He looks over to Shin's vacant seat.

"Hm," I frown. "Have you tried texting him?"

"Not yet... Want me to?"

"Yeah... That'd be a good idea."

"Got it."

"Hey." Yukiko heads for us. "Rise-chan wanted me to let you know that we're all meeting at the ice rink at seven o'clock, sharp."

"Great. Thanks, Yukiko," I smile.

"Do you guys want me to bring anything? Any snacks, or drinks?"

"Mad bull," Yosuke says, without looking away from his cell.

"U-um, okay," she says. "I'll see if there's any left at the inn."

"Go rest up," I smile. "You'll need it."

"You, too," she nods, leaving us again.

"He isn't replying," Yosuke shrugs. "Maybe my dad has taken his cell away from him."

"Oh," I whisper.

"H-hey, it's okay," he assures me. "Let's go see Nanako-chan and Dojima-san, then we'll head to my place."

I nod in agreement.


"I'm home," I say, gently opening the front door.

"Big bro!!!" Nanako gasps, running from the TV and jumping into my arms. I pick her up, and swing her in circles.

"Gosh, you're getting big," I smile.

"I missed you, big bro." She tucks her face into my shoulder.

"I missed you, too, Nanako."

"And where were you last night?" Dojima lowers the newspaper from his face.

"He was with me," Yosuke replies before I get the chance. "He didn't mean to stay over... and his cell died, so he couldn't reach you..."

"Is that so?"

"It was my fault, Dojima-san," he frowns. "Please, don't punish him."

Dojima laughs a little. "I wasn't gonna punish him."

"You weren't?" I ask.

"You're a teenager," he shrugs. "I know you don't wanna be cooped up in a house all day long."

"I- I should have called..."

"I knew you were in safe hands."


"Because I know this one wouldn't let anything happen to you." He jerks a thumb at Yosuke, who briefly blushes.

"Thanks, Dojima..."

"Next time, just make sure your battery's charged up, yeah? Never know when it might be an emergency."

"I understand," I smile. "Thanks, again."

"Where are you two off to?" He says.

"Oh, um, ice rink," Yosuke rubs the back of his neck.

"Oh, that place down the road?" He asks. "I heard that spot opened up pretty recently... Well, have fun, you two."

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