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Yosuke's POV:

I nervously ring the doorbell, and Nanako-chan eventually greets me.

"Yosuke and Teddie!" She smiles, hugging us both.

"Nana-chan!" Teddie squeals, picking her up by her waist, and spinning her around like a plane.

"Yay!" She giggles.

"Uh, is your brother home?" I ask her.

"He's upstairs," she explains, as Teddie puts her down. "He's been up there for a while."

"Huh," I think to myself. "Mind if I go check on him?"

She shakes her head. "Big bro always seems happy when he sees you."

I can see myself now calling him a dork. Even though it is pretty sweet.

I leave Teddie with Nanako, making my way up the stairs.

His bedroom door is open a crack.

I have some... weird memories of that... strange dream when I stayed here...

Y'know: his abs dripping wet, only a towel covering his bottom half -- that kind of stuff.

When I look in, I can't see anything. Maybe he's in the bathroom?

I knock on the bathroom door. "Hello? It's me, Yosuke. Are you in here?"

No reply.

"I'm... I'm just gonna come in if you don't answer," I say, hoping he hasn't hit his head and become unconscious or anything like that.

He still doesn't respond.

I hold my breath, as I open the door.

He's there, alright. He's sitting upright in the bathtub, hugging his knees to his chest.

He's... naked.

"U-uh," I gulp. "Y-Yu? Is everything... okay?"

He doesn't respond.

I slowly walk up to the tub, and rub my hand against his shoulder.


He flinches. That's all. He doesn't turn or anything of that sort.

"C'mon. You're gonna get all wrinkley," I try to joke. But no reaction comes from him. "Please," I sigh.

Something's up. But now he's giving me the silent treatment. Just like I did to him before.

"Hey," I say, quietly. "Move up."

He does so, and I take my socks off and roll up my pants.

I lift my leg over the tub, followed by the next.

Damn, it's really cold..

Once both legs are in, I sit down behind him; his body between my legs.

Still, he doesn't say anything.

I want to do something -- anything -- to show that I care. And that I'm right here for him.

I carefully wrap my arms around his waist and pull him closer to my body.

He shivers at my touch, but allows me to do so.

The water quietly ripples around us.

His head begins to lower, and it eventually hits his knees.


And he's crying.

His muffled cries fill my ears.

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