Endure It

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Yu's POV:

"Dude," Yosuke whisper-shouts, pounding his hand gently on my chest.

"What?" I grumble, my voice hoarse.

"Dude, it's morning."

"What?" I repeat, finally opening my eyes to the early morning sun.

"Fuck..." He murmurs. "Oh, fuck! School!"

He jumps out of bed, reaches for his backpack, ruffles his hair into shape, and is already at my bedroom door before I even have the chance to blink.

"Dude!" He scoffs, gesturing to the door.

"Yosuke," I smile wearily. "It's Sunday."

"I- it is?" He says, his face turning red from embarrassment. He checks his cell, and smiles awkwardly. "So it is."

"Lay back down with me," I urge.

"We should get up. I- I mean, I should get home. Mom's expecting me back, so..."

"Just a few more minutes." I stretch my whole body out, leaving space under my arm for him.

"Yu..." He whines. "I really gotta go."

"Please?" I croak.

"...Fine," he sighs. "Five minutes, got it?"


I don't know how long it's been, but it has definitely been over five minutes. Not that I mind, of course.

He fell back to sleep as soon as his head touched my outstretched arm. And he was the one who wanted to move.

He doesn't need to go home just yet, right? I mean... Let's see how far I can go with this.


Yosuke's POV:

I remember cuddling back into him, but no way can I remember it being past noon.

I muster up all my energy to stroke his face, waking him.

"Mhmm," he groans, brushing his fingers against my hand.

"I told you five minutes," I mutter, followed by a yawn.

"Oh, did you?" He yawns in response, playing dumb.

"Duuuude." My shoulders droop again, and I throw an arm over my face to block out the light. "I'm so fucked."

"Just... give them a call." He doesn't even open his eyes.

"Man," I grumble.

"What's up?" He asks, tightening his grip on me.

"I smell like you."

"Does that mean I can call you mine?" He teases.

"No," I laugh. "It means I'll be a dead man walking if I head home like this."

"Use the shower." He rests his head on my shoulder.

"Y-you sure you won't mind?" I ask. "I mean... I could just—"

"Dude." I look back at him to see him smile. "It's just a shower."

"Thanks... dude," I sigh, shaking him off and stepping out of the futon. "I'll be quick. Swear."

"No, take your time..." He mumbles, shivering without me. "Oh, Yosuke?"

"Yeah?" I turn, expecting him to say something flirtatious.

"Mind if I borrow your phone?"

"My phone?" I frown, taking my hand off the door handle to give him my full attention. "What for?"

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