Little Things

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Yu's POV:

The May sun shines through my bedroom window, waking me suddenly. It doesn't seem to have that affect on Kanji, however, since he's still sleeping like a baby.

I get out of bed and tug on his shoulder a couple of times, swaying it back and fourth. "School starts soon." No reply. I eventually give up, and make my way to the bathroom.

I undress, and run myself a cold shower. I test the waters before hopping in, bracing for the sting of my wounds. But there's only one thing on my mind. And, no, surprisingly, it's not Shin, or whatever the hell is going on with him. It's Yosuke. Rather, our kiss last night.

I don't know why, but I haven't been able to get it out of my head since. Truth be told, I did feel something when he kissed me. Like a dozen fireworks set alight in the pit of my stomach. I wanted more. God, I did. The way our hips rubbed together was like an adrenaline rush... Hell, even his cute little moan; he was only trying to impress me. The soft touch of his lips makes you want seconds. But I knew I couldn't. Not with everyone watching. And certainly not when I agreed to be Shin's boyfriend not long before that...

I don't know... I felt all... tingly inside. It was a nice feeling; like when something you've been waiting for, for so long finally happens. But I don't understand. I never used to feel this way when he touched me. No, I did love it when he did, but... that time felt different. Like he was begging me not to leave him. Like he was hoping just as much as me that it wouldn't be the last time.

I don't... want it to be the last time.

I feel like shit just thinking like this. I shouldn't even give it a second thought, right? I told him it was just a dare, and he agreed. Nothing more. But it still replays in my mind. But he's not my boyfriend. Isn't this a sense of cheating? Y'know, thinking of kissing someone else other than your partner?

Partner. God. Only he can call me that. In a friendly way, of course... I don't know what I'd do if he stopped using that name. Or if he called someone else it...

I sigh, turing off the shower, before stepping out and wrapping my waist in a towel. I check my phone. No new messages.

Honestly, I'm suprised Shin hasn't messaged me. He told me he was walking to school with me, whether I liked it or not. It's kinda cute. I have no idea why he wants to, but it makes me smile. The little things.

My attention turns to the door, as Kanji enters, rubbing his eyes. "Gah! Shit! Sorry, Senpai!!" He quickly covers his eyes.

"It's alright," I shrug, walking past him and back into my bedroom.

Why was he acting so strange? Unless he has a crush on me, too. That'd be another to add to the list...


I wait for Kanji downstairs. In the meantime, I read one of Dojima's old books from the bookshelf. It's kinda confusing, but still really interesting at the same time.

It's almost time to go, but Shin hasn't messaged me, yet. Has he forgotten? No, of course he wouldn't. He could never forget something like this. Maybe he just decided against it? I dunno; he would usually tell me if he did.

"Alright, Senpai, I'm ready to go," Kanji says, heading downstairs with my spare shirt on. "Sucks I spilled ramen on my shirt yesterday," he shurgs. "This one's kinda small."

"You'll be fine," I smile. "Oh, and here."

I toss him his jacket I had been holding on to.

"Huh?" He frowns, holding it up to see.

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