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Yosuke's POV:

I wake up with a smile on my face.

I'll tell them. I'll tell them all.

It's just temporary, though. Yu will know that. He knows that I'm for him.

Today's the day before the play, too. Honestly, I'm kinda nervous... I mean, we haven't rehearsed in quite a while...

Just as I think this, my phone pings.


Yumi: Hey!!

Yumi: Meet at the drama
club after skool!!

Yumi: Last rehearsal!!!

I'm glad I didn't offend her too much by skipping practice. I'm sure she's too distracted to remember, anyhow.

I can do this. I know I can. I have my dice with me. And Yu has his. There's nothing we can't do.


Shin and I walk to school together. Or, rather, he walks ahead of me. Sheesh, why's he in a rush?

"Hey." He slows down a little, turning back to face me. "You look... happy."

"Hm? Do I?"

"Yeah. It's weird."

"Shut up," I laugh. "There's just stuff goin' on."

"Oh, yeah? Like what?"

"You'll find out soon."


"What about you? You look pretty down today."

"It's nothin'," he shrugs, hands in his pockets.

"Oh, you talked to Yu, right? How's his leg?"

Shin shrugs again.

"What's up with you?" I frown.


"Whatever you say..."

Suddenly, I get a notification on my phone.


Giichi: ur in the play

Giichi: @ yasogami

Yosuke: Yeah? Why??

Giichi: bought a ticket

Yosuke: For real??

Giichi: ye lmao

Giichi: i bought it
ages ago

Giichi: jus wanted to go
back to yasogami tbh

Giichi: 2 c u

Giichi: but this is evn better;)

Yosuke: Can't wait

Yosuke: R u free this afternoon?

Giichi: think so

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