Take Care Of You

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Yosuke's POV:

"Just where are Shin and Yu?!" Rise snaps into our ears.

"Gah!" Kanji flinches. "Geez, I don't know, okay?! Stop yellin'."

The two of them walked ahead together not so long ago. I did plan on following them, but I couldn't bear to.

Now they're lost, I suppose. Soon enough, they'll start arguing again; that's when we can determine their location.

"This way," Teddie sniffs, running past a corner.

"H-hey, Teddie, wait!!" Yukiko yells, running after him.

"Aw, dammit," Chie groans. "Come on, let's go!"


"Fujin!" Shin calls, clutching a card in his hand.

His summoning has a large hit box, and his hair overflows tremendously. His shirt is ripped to shreds, with his bag held around his neck, making swift movements to whip the enemy.

Yu, too, looks in awe. He lays on the ground behind Shin, holding his ribs.

Shit... Izanagi didn't come.

"Persona!" Shin yells again, performing Brave Blade on the Shadow, striking a critical.

"No way..." Naoto stands with her mouth agape.

"He has a–?" Yukiko gasps.

Shin huffs and pants, wiping sweat from his forehead. The next moment, he casts Garudyne, annihilating the Shadow once and for all.

"Yu!" I yell, not waiting another second before scrambling to his aid. "Geez, man, what happened?" I breathe, lifting his head from the ground.

"Ha," he splutters in self-pity. "I'm powerless, now, huh?"

"D-don't say that," I whisper.

"Izanagi can't even bear to look at me," he scoffs. "...He's really gone."

"H-he'll come back." My own heart pounds for him.

"It's no use." He starts to cough up blood. "You guys just go on ahead. I'll only slow you down."

"What?!" Chie gasps, running over to us; followed by the others.

"I'm sorry, everyone..." He sighs.

"Y-you can't give in!" Teddie snaps. "Y-you're our leader! You're my Sensei! You can't give up!"

"I'm real sorry, Ted." He puts on a weak smile, just for us. "I'll head back to the entrance."

"We can't do this without you," Naoto mutters.

"Of course you can," he says. I help him get to his feet. But even then, he still leans his full body weight onto me. "You guys don't give yourselves enough credit."

"You can't let this get to you," Kanji tuts. "That ain't my Senpai. He'd stay with us, no matter what."

"I'm sorry," Yu shakes his head.

"That's it," I decide.


"We're gonna help you get Izanagi back," I smile.

"Damn right we are!" Chie laughs.

"Yosuke," he says. "Look, I appreciate it, but-"

"No buts," I deny. "There's no way I'm leaving you behind, partner."

He bites his lip with a smile. "Thank you."

"We should head back for now, though," Rise says. "You're looking pretty wounded, Senpai."

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