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Yosuke's POV:

"Where are the girls?" Yu asks, standing up so I can sit on the inner seat of the booth.

"Doing... girl stuff," I shrug, taking my seat as he returns beside me.

"Is she okay?" Naoto asks.

"She is now," I smile. "Especially now she and Yukiko are alone."

"H-huhhh???" Teddie gasps.

"Not like that, you sick perv," I groan. "Well... maybe like that. Hell, I don't know!! I don't even wanna think about it."

Rise and Kanji cackle together at my flustered face.

"I'm just glad Yukiko is there with her," Yu says. "...Whatever they're up to."

"H-hey, let's not talk about what they're doing right now!!" Naoto snaps, her face awfully red.

"Oh, you're back." Shin struts his way over to our booth, and leans against Yu's side of the seat.

"Yeah," Yu nods, putting his hands on his knees.

"Did you sort everything out?"

"Yeah, we did," I interrupt, leaning over Yu. "I did."

"Oh, that's my little brother," he chuckles, reaching over to mess up my hair. "Always trying to play the hero."

"He did," Yu frowns. "He fixed our mess all on his own."

"Really?" His expression changes from a lecturing adult to the wide eyes of a toddler.

"Of course I did," I spit.

"Alright, alright." He throws his hands up in the air. "So, you saved the day. All hail King Yosuke."

"Don't be an ass," Kanji groans, sliding his elbow across the table.

Shin just ignores him. "I actually came to ask you a question." He turns to Yu with a coy smile. He circles a thick silver ring around his middle finger as he speaks. Wait... what?

"Where'd you get that?" I point at his finger with a frown. "I've never seen it before."

"It was a gift," he merely shrugs. "From a friend, if you must know."

"Bullshit!" I snap. "You don't have any friends."

"Yosuke-" Yu tries to interject, but Shin and I ignore him.

"You stole that shit, didn't you?" I accuse, standing up.

"Are you that fucking stupid?" He scoffs. "I told you: it was a gift."

"Tell me the truth, asshole!"

"I'm not a thief, brother."

"I am not your brother," my nostrils flare. "And maybe you're not a thief, but you're a fucking murderer, if anything!"

He freezes. His eyes wide; his mouth agape. He can't believe what I've just yelled. I can't even believe it.

"Is... that true?" Rise says, her voice small.

It feels like a hundred people in the carriage are staring at us now. All of them knowing the truth.

"Shin," I croak.

"Stop," he whispers, turning around.

"I- I'm so sorry," I try.

"That's enough," he snaps lowly.

"Sit down," Yu begs.

"No," he shakes his head. "There's no point being in a place where I'm not welcome."

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