Left Behind

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Yu's POV:

"I'm home," I announce. I barely have the chance to open the front door when Nanako charges into my shins, squeezing them until I can almost feel my blood stop circulating.

"Ah, you're back," Dojima regards me with a smile. He sits on the sofa with his legs crossed; his nose dipped into the latest newspaper, holding a cup of black coffee. It smells like home.

"Big bro," Nanako cries into my legs. For such a small girl, her strength is very impressive. "I- I've missed you so much...!"

"Come now, Nanako," Dojima sighs, clambering out of his seat to greet me. "Let him actually get into the house before you tackle him to the ground." His laugh is dry from the abundance of tobacco.

Reluctantly, Nanako pulls away from me, grabbing my suitcase handle. "Eughh!!" She groans.

"Let me get that," I smile.

"No, I... got it!!" She huffs, scraping the dirty wheels all over the floor. When she finally lets go, she collapses to the ground with a sigh.

"That was a great help," I chuckle. "Thank you, Nanako."

"Y-yeah!" She bounces back to her feet, falling into me out of exhaustion.

"So, how was it?" Dojima asks, closing the door behind us. "I know it can't have been easy going back there so soon."

"It was definitely... different," I admit, setting my backpack down on the ground. "It was really good that my friends were there, too. Without them, I don't think I could have done it."

"That's not a bad thing, you know." He pats me on the back. "Having friends you can rely on is the best feeling. You know, back when me and Adachi-" He cuts himself off, sighing. "Ah, forget it. You don't wanna hear your old man go on about his life, now do you?" He sits back down again before I can respond.

Nanako takes my hand and drags me to the floor with a bright smile. "Did you have fun with Yosuke, big bro?"

"There... were others with us, Nanako," I laugh awkwardly.

"I know," she grins. "But Yosuke is your favorite, right!?"

"Without a doubt."

"Can we go see him at Junes tomorrow?"

"Sure we can." I smile, patting her on the head.

"I'll be working late tomorrow," Dojima says, putting his cup back onto the table. "So don't be out too late, alright?"

"We promise!" Nanako beams.

"Oh, and don't worry about going to school in the morning," he adds.

"What?" I ask.

"I know you're tried, and that trip probably didn't help," he shakes his head. "You deserve a break, that's all I'm saying. Some time for yourself, you know?"

"Can I stay home with him, too?" Nanako says.

"I thought you loved school!" Dojima laughs.

"I love big bro more!" She smirks.

"Come on, Nanako," he sighs. "Let's let him have some alone time, alright?"

"Oh, okay..."

"Actually... I want to go to school tomorrow," I shrug.

"You do?" He says in disbelief.

I nod. "I don't wanna fall behind."

"You won't have to worry about missing a single day, surely?"

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