Thoughts of You

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Yu's POV:

Everyone begins to disperse from my room, each saying 'goodbye' and 'good night' and such. Yosuke is the last one left, once again.

As soon as everyone is out of the door, and he stands up, and I grab his arm.

"Stay with me," I beg.

"Wh- what?" He pulls his arm from mine.

"I don't want to be alone."

"D-dude, I stayed here last night, as well. I don't think I should overstay my welcome."

"I don't mind," I admit.

He looks reluctant.

"Please, Yosuke," I say. "For me."


Yosuke's POV:

And that's how I found myself laying beside him in his futon. How the two of us fit on this thing, I have no clue; but he lays there still - as though he's one of those princesses who need a kiss to wake up.

The fuck am I saying.

It's not late - just past nine o'clock, but he's already flat out.

Slowly, I lower my propped arms so I lay at his side.

I turn to my left, greeted by his soft face. His hair gently draws down his cheeks, his lips pursed like a kid's.

I shuffle myself over to face him, and end up using my index finger to push a strand of hair behind his ear. I smile, for some reason.

He looks so at peace, despite all the shit that's gone down today.

Was my Shadow telling the truth? Do I love him?

No, of course not.

He's my best friend - nothing more, nothing less.

Of course my heart skips a beat eveytime I see him. And I smile everytime I hear his voice; and my ears perk up everytime someone says his name. But that doesn't mean anything.

Two guys dating is ridiculous. Especially when they're as close as Yu and I. I know he'd be there for me if I ever needed him, and he knows I'd do the same. It's not a romantic thing; it's just how we work.

Yeah, I was a bit suprised when Chie and Yukiko announced they were dating, but I figured it was going on for quite a while. I mean, they always went off together, Chie was always protective anytime someone tried to ask Yukiko out, and anytime either of them were asked about their crushes, they blushed furiously and refused to answer.

I am happy for them, though. I mean, falling in love with your best friend must be easy; you've spent the best moments of your life with them - how could anyone replace that?

But Yu has Rise. Rise is obviously in love with him - he's the only one who doesn't see it.

I let out a heavy sigh, allowing my mind to wander.

What if we kissed right now? Just his cheek. How would I feel? I mean, the thought is exhilarating. Could I do that without his permission? What if he found out? God, what if the others found out?!

And that's the end of my mind-wander session.

Kinda weird how my first thought was kissing him, though. It's not like I never thought about it before - but right now it's so easy, so tempting.

But I don't swing that way.

"Big... bro?" I hear Nanako knock on the door, opening it gently.

"Hey, Nanako-chan," I whisper, sitting up, ushering her to come in.

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