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Yosuke's POV:

"What's the matter?" I ask Dad, trying to ignore the presence standing beside me.

"We're low on staff, so I need you both to stop slacking," he says, firmly.

"I wasn't slacking!" And, yes, he looks suprised. I would be, too, if I didn't believe myself. "It was Shin hanging around with his new buddies!"

"You made friends already?" Dad smiles, turning to him. "Good for you, son."

"Aw, thanks, Dad," he grins.

"Oh, so he gets a supportive dad, and I get an angry boss?" I argue.

"Stop accusing me of playing favorites," Dad sighs. "I need both of you to get to work, got it?"

"Okay," Shin nods. "What do you need us to do?"

"Shin, I want you stocking up shelves in the backroom, and Yosuke can help close up."

"We're closing early?" I ask, suprised.

"Yeah. Your mother and I are going out tonight."

"We could still keep the store open," Shin suggests.

"It's not that I don't trust you," Dad sighs.

"But?" Shin raises an eyebrow.

"Are you sure the two of you can keep Junes in control?"

"Dad, it's only for a couple of hours; we'll be fine," Shin shrugs.

He can't say no. Not to his favorite son. Thing is, I dunno why Shin's so bothered about it. He probably just wants to hang out with my friends. Asshole.

"Fine," my dad surrenders. "But if anything happens, call me immediately, okay?"

Shin nods.

Dad turns to me. "Your brother is in charge. Don't give him a hard time."

There's so much I want to reply with; but I know it'll only end badly for me.

Dad leaves, and he leaves me and my brother next to each other on the rooftop.

"Stop looking at me," I say.

"Will you chill out? I was looking past you."

I turn, too. And I see Yu sat at the table with the rest of the Investigation Team. He's laughing. Something Kanji said, no doubt. But he's genuinely smiling.

"Why're you looking at him?" I ask.

"Why can't I?" Shin smiles. He's not smiling at me, though; he's still looking at Yu. "He's pretty cool."

"He's more than pretty cool," I say beneath my breath.

But he doesn't hear me. He's too fixated on him.


Yu's POV:

"They're looking at you," Chie says, slowly.

"Hm?" I hum, completely oblivious as to what she means.

"Turn around," she sighs.

Sure enough, Yosuke and Shin are stood beside one another: both staring at me.

I feel a little self-conscious, so I give them a little wave, as if trying to snap them out of their trance.

Shin quickly notices, and nods at me. He says something quickly to Yosuke before walking toward us.

"What's up with that?" I chuckle awkwardly.

"What? Can't I look at you?" He smiles.

"You kinda freaked me out," I rub the back of my neck, trying not to ruin the mood.

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