Someone Else

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Yu's POV:

"Wake up!" A voice snaps.

My vision is blurred, but I can see a figure standing at the edge of the bed.

...The edge of Yosuke's bed.

Oh, shit.

"What, geez, what is it?" Yosuke groans, rubbing his eyes.

"What the hell's goin' on?!" Shin yells.

I sit up, alarmed. Yosuke does the same.

"What are you talking about...?" I scoff. But I'm not all that good at playing dumb.

"You think I'm stupid? You slept together, didn't you?"

"Geez, Shin, no," Yosuke grumbles.

"Why else would you be in the same bed?!"

"He was... having a nightmare," he lies. "You weren't here, okay? What was I supposed to do?"

"Another nightmare, hm?" His voice turns soft, as if buying that bullshit story.

"Yeah," I nod. "There's nothing going on between us. Not at all."

"Yeah," Yosuke agrees. But these a tinge of hurt in his voice which makes me feel guilty.

"...Well," Shin shrugs, putting his hands in his pockets. "I'm gonna head down for breakfast. Hurry and get changed, alright?"

"I will," I say.

"Good," he smiles. "Well, see you."

As soon as the door closes behind him, I jolt out of bed and pace up and down the room. "Holy shit..." I murmur.

"You... okay?" Yosuke cocks his head slightly, shuffling over to the edge of the bed.

"No, I'm not fucking okay," I snap. "God dammit..." I hold my head in my hands.

"So..." He says, softly. "I'm guessing you remember."

"Yes-- I knew what I was doing," I scoff. "But, fuck, why didn't you stop me!?"

"This isn't my fault," he frowns. "I mean, I did try."

"Shit... You're right. I'm sorry," I mumble. "But... Dude, I cheated on him..."


"The very same day I told him I'd never do anything like that!" I yell. "Holy fuck..."

"Don't stress," he sighs.

"How can I not stress?!" I groan. "I'm a shitty person. He'll never forgive me for this..."

"...Is that such a bad thing?"

I turn to look at him. "What?"

"I mean... He'd be out of the picture. We'd be together."

"No, Yosuke," I sigh. "Not... Not like this. I can't tell him..."

"You'll have to tell him sooner or later," he shrugs. "Just get it off your chest now."

"Why are you acting like this is no big deal?" I say, growing even more frustrated. "He's your brother."

"Yeah, but you kissed me," he smiles.

"Don't smirk," I warn. "Seriously, it's not funny. If anything, it was just a--"

"Don't say it was just a mistake," he stands up defensively. "You wanted that as much as I did."

I sigh. "Yeah, well, maybe I did," I mutter. "But I shouldn't have. Not when I'm still with Shin."

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