Go Solo

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Yu's POV:

I take a deep breath. I don't even know why; I'm not nervous about confronting someone. Or the fact that I'm in a carriage with around forty people. I guess it's the thought that I was so careless.

I should have been more careful. Then none of this would have happened. Because I know that if this gets out, it'll crush both Shin and Yosuke.

Yosuke has a hard enough time accepting it as is, and he doesn't need to be constantly teased by everyone in school. I'm not too bothered about what people say about me.

Okay. It's time.

I pull out my cell to my side and dial the number. I wait a couple of moments, until I hear a quiet ringtone sound.

Got you now.

But it's a girl. A second-year, I believe. And she sits with a bunch of people she's obviously well acquainted with.

She takes one look at my caller name, and declines the incoming call. Not suprising, honestly. But I have her.


"Hey," I say, putting my hand on the table in front of her. She takes a couple of moments to identify my hand, and looks up at my face. The thing that annoys me most is that she doesn't look in the least suprised.

"Can I help you?" Her voice is harsh, and not at all feminine. It sounds as though her throat is constantly dry, and begging for water.

"Hey," I say again, plastering my face with a fake smile. "Could I talk to you?"

"He knows her? Ooh, I bet he's planning on asking her out," one of her friends behind me pipes up.

"That's not what I'm here for," I turn my face and smirk at the other girl as she quickly backs off.

"I have things to do," the first girl says, pushing my hand off the table. "If you'd kindly leave."

"You guys heard of Yasogami Gossip?" I turn to her friends with a big smile.

"Of course!" One girl giggles. "It's soooo juicy."

"Hey, wasn't he on it one time?" A brunette whispers to her blonde friend. The blonde nods, and bites her lip.

"Yeah," I agree. "Oh, have you girls heard of that one kid who's been sleeping with teachers to get good grades?"

A couple of mouths open wide.

"Is that so?" My primary target says, turning my attention back to her.

"All true," I nod. "You interested?"

"Ooh, I am!" A second brunette laughs.

"I am," the first girl says, ignoring her obnoxiously loud friend.

"Cool," I smile. But not with pleasure. With hatred and anger. "Let's talk."


Yosuke's POV:

I don't listen to him. I go anyway. Because I can't just let him solve everything. I want to help, can't he see? Why is he being so stubborn about this? Is it 'cause he's embarrassed to be with someone like me? Because, lately, that's how it feels.

I wish I could put that thought to the side, but it keeps creeping up: again, and again. I want to believe all the words he says to me and all the things he does, but it's so hard.

I see him leaning over the table, presumably talking to the unknown. I can't hear what he says due to the murmurs of everyone else in the cart, but it's enough for him to get her to stand up and walk away.

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