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Yosuke's POV:

"I thought I told him to let me know when you're staying over." Dojima-san's gruff voice calls from the living room.

I freeze in place. It's just after midnight, and I only came down for a glass of water.

"S-sorry, sir," I say, quickly. "I- I can go. I'll go grab my things, and-"

"Calm yourself," he chuckles. "Stay, if you want. I don't care."

"Am I... disturbing you?"

He shakes his head, sipping a cup of coffee. "Couldn't sleep."

"I see..."

"Haven't you kids got school in the morning?"

"Y-yes, sir."

"Oh, stop with the formalities," he smiles. "Listen, kid. You're good for my nephew, you know? I've never seen him happier than when he's with you. And I know he and I aren't all that close, but he can be a real wreck sometimes, you hear me? Say one bad thing about someone he cares about, and he won't be afraid to swing."

"...I know," I sigh.

"You're a good man, Hanamura. He likes you way too much. And so does Nanako, in all honesty. I'm just sayin', you're welcome to treat me like your old man, got that? No honorifics or any of that... Not in my own home."

"Thank you... Dojima..."

"You know... I didn't like you at first," he laughs.


"I thought you were some... narcissistic Prince of Junes, you hear me?" He continues to laugh at himself. "But you proved me wrong. Keep him outta trouble, will you?"

I nod. "I will, Dojima."

"There's a good kid," he grins. "I take it you've been here a while, then?"


"Called Yu down earlier for dinner, but he didn't respond."

"He's, uh... flat out," I chuckle.

"Well, I guess we gotta let him rest sometime, eh?" He smiles. "You two sharin' the futon?"

"Oh, uh..."

"Hey, it's none of my business," he mutters. "Just make sure you lock the door, yeah? I don't want Nanako walkin' in on you two."

"Got it," I say.


"Well... Goodnight, sir- Oh, um, Dojima."

"Goodnight," he waves.


"Where did you go?" Yu groans, snaking his arms around my chest as soon as I return.

"I was thirsty."

"I could have gotten you something," he slurs.

"Shh, go back to sleep."

He kisses my forehead sloppily.

"Dude," I groan.

He shuffles closer, squeezing me into him.

"Don't go," he pleads quietly.

"I'd never leave you."

"Please, stay."



"You know, Yosuke..." He murmurs to me, brushing his hand against mine on the way to school. "Last night... You made me feel... really good. You made me feel special."

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