Truth or Dare

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Yu's POV:

"Do I make you happy?" Shin asks, from the other side of the curtain.

"What kind of question is that?" I scoff. "Of course you do."

"Would you still love me even if I was... in some deep shit?"

"Deep shit like what?" I ask. "Like those guys at that diner?"

"Something like that..." He sighs. "But worse."

"Spit it out," I say.

"N-no, just hypothetically speaking..."

"O-kay..." I say, slowly. "It depends how deep this shit is."

"Fuck. Forget it, okay? No matter what, I'll protect you."

I chuckle. "Yeah, okay."

"Of course," he breathes. "Anyways, how are you doing in there?"

"Fine," I nod. "Nothing I can't handle."

"Do I get a reward for waiting for you?"

"A reward?" I ask. "U-uh, I have a couple hundred spare yen in my bedroom, if you'd--"

"No, dumbass," he chuckles. "A kiss."

"Ohhh..." I gasp. "I dunno... I'll think about it..."

"Hm," he laughs. "Do you need any help?"

"Uh, could you get me another soap bar?" I ask. "It's just in the cupboard above the sink.

After a few moments, he replies. "Got it."

I hear him getting closer to the curtain, but hesitating.

I reach an arm out, waiting for the soap to be dropped into it. But nothing happens.

"Shin?" I say, making sure he's still here. "Everything okay?"

I hear him sigh. He's upset.

I open the curtain far enough so my head can poke out. "What's the matter?"

"Your arms..." He begins. "Don't they hurt?"

I shrug. "I guess so. Then again, everything hurts, so it's fine." I let out a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood, but his face is like stone. "Can we please talk about this once I've finished? I'll be two minutes."

Reluctantly, Shin places the bar of soap in my hand, blinking a couple times, before my arm disappears from his view.

He's so worried about me... I kinda feel bad. I just worry him. I don't want him to feel like he has to take care of me. Then I'd just be a burden...


I step out of the tub, and wrap a towel around my waist. Shin looks away from me. He's so flustered. It's adorable.

"Y-you done?" He asks.

"Yup," I smile.

Within moments, Shin wraps himself around me, holding me lightly, as not to hurt me. I'm shocked, but hold him, too. Usually, he likes quick hugs, but, lately... He's been giving me longer ones. Like he's gonna lose me, or something.

"I'm fine," I chuckle.

"I just want to hold you," he muffles into my shoulder.

"Wow," I say. "You really do love me."

"Of course I love you, idiot." His grip gets a little tighter, but not enough to make me yell in agony.

"I'm not going anywhere, you know?" I smirk.

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